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They do not agree it either - as I have said, these negotiations should be taking place in private - the club appear to be doing that -MM isn't.

Did MM once push in front of you at the Bar RS? You seem to have a massive downer on the man.:icon_conf
Did MM once push in front of you at the Bar RS? You seem to have a massive downer on the man.:icon_conf

Not a matter of having a downer on him, but being realistic. I tend to agree with RS on this - too many people seem to look at him as some sort of naiive philanthropist who is just trying to throw bags of money at the club, while those charged with running it by the current owners are duplicitous, trying to rip off this poor defenseless businessman.

I have nothing against him, and, while I don't share the rose tinted view of some about his bid, I reckon it is probably the best that's going to come along in the forseeable future. But I recognise him as a venture capitalist and a shrewd businessman who will do what he needs to to get the best possible deal for himself and protect his own position in the future.
Not a matter of having a downer on him, but being realistic. I tend to agree with RS on this - too many people seem to look at him as some sort of naiive philanthropist who is just trying to throw bags of money at the club, while those charged with running it by the current owners are duplicitous, trying to rip off this poor defenseless businessman.

I have nothing against him, and, while I don't share the rose tinted view of some about his bid, I reckon it is probably the best that's going to come along in the forseeable future. But I recognise him as a venture capitalist and a shrewd businessman who will do what he needs to to get the best possible deal for himself and protect his own position in the future.
I agree 100% with your 2nd paragraph OG, it isn't his money that excites me, although perhaps maybe a little, but it's his experience of running a club and the fact that various "faces" within the game may relish the opportunity to work alongside him. At the minute we have nothing to offer anybody, other than has beens or wannabees
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Not a matter of having a downer on him, but being realistic. I tend to agree with RS on this - too many people seem to look at him as some sort of naiive philanthropist who is just trying to throw bags of money at the club, while those charged with running it by the current owners are duplicitous, trying to rip off this poor defenseless businessman.

I have nothing against him, and, while I don't share the rose tinted view of some about his bid, I reckon it is probably the best that's going to come along in the forseeable future. But I recognise him as a venture capitalist and a shrewd businessman who will do what he needs to to get the best possible deal for himself and protect his own position in the future.

And that told me....
I think you're putting yourself in the shop window for Birch's retirement Shazza. :icon_wink

I could imagine you on the moan doing his job as the club Spin Officer, Andy from Long Eaton will meet his match with you

At least I'm consistent - never liked the cut of the man's jib.;)
Yet another story from Bill Anderson and evryone goes off the deep end, when will we all learn.

This article like most of his recently seem to be heavily influenced by MM, no doubt protecting his future position, and as such should be taken with a huge pinch of salt.
Yet another story from Bill Anderson and evryone goes off the deep end, when will we all learn.

This article like most of his recently seem to be heavily influenced by MM, no doubt protecting his future position, and as such should be taken with a huge pinch of salt.

Either that or he is a true prophet of untold powers

Or a bit daft, like

Or both
Yet another story from Bill Anderson and evryone goes off the deep end, when will we all learn.

This article like most of his recently seem to be heavily influenced by MM, no doubt protecting his future position, and as such should be taken with a huge pinch of salt.

... which would seem to suggest that Bill believes that the writing is on the wall for the present crew and that the takeover is destined to go ahead.
... which would seem to suggest that Bill believes that the writing is on the wall for the present crew and that the takeover is destined to go ahead.

I think he is banking on it, and more than a little concerned for his own future if it doesn't.
Not a matter of having a downer on him, but being realistic. I tend to agree with RS on this - too many people seem to look at him as some sort of naiive philanthropist who is just trying to throw bags of money at the club, while those charged with running it by the current owners are duplicitous, trying to rip off this poor defenseless businessman.

I have nothing against him, and, while I don't share the rose tinted view of some about his bid, I reckon it is probably the best that's going to come along in the forseeable future. But I recognise him as a venture capitalist and a shrewd businessman who will do what he needs to to get the best possible deal for himself and protect his own position in the future.
Top post OG! :038:
Not a matter of having a downer on him, but being realistic. I tend to agree with RS on this - too many people seem to look at him as some sort of naiive philanthropist who is just trying to throw bags of money at the club, while those charged with running it by the current owners are duplicitous, trying to rip off this poor defenseless businessman.

I have nothing against him, and, while I don't share the rose tinted view of some about his bid, I reckon it is probably the best that's going to come along in the forseeable future. But I recognise him as a venture capitalist and a shrewd businessman who will do what he needs to to get the best possible deal for himself and protect his own position in the future.

I don't think any sensible person can see him as anything other than a venture capitalist. Everybody is aware of his record at Porsmouth, in that he invested in the club and got his money back and more when he left.

That doesn't make him a bad person.
Similarly to OG, you have to look at it objectively. He will only realise a tasty profit by making LCFC a relatively successful team. Established prem under his tenure is a minimum requirement for him to maximise his investment.

A plus side with him is that he is almost a 'better the devil you know' as he has been at Portsmouth and we know what he did there (Both the success, luck and madness). But, he is the best option out there.

Just thank all the gods, goddesses, demi gods and false gods that it is not Romanov of Hearts the Shareholders are waiting for...
So... the truth is out on them mystery bidders:-

Mr S Hussein (c/o Baghdad)
The Tooth Fairy
Bob Carolgees (Favoured by TNBD)
I don't think any sensible person can see him as anything other than a venture capitalist. Everybody is aware of his record at Porsmouth, in that he invested in the club and got his money back and more when he left.

That doesn't make him a bad person.

Which is what I thought I said! But it does explain, for those who apparently cannot understand why the whole thing was not rushed through, why both he and the present owners are negotiating very carefully
I don't think any sensible person can see him as anything other than a venture capitalist. Everybody is aware of his record at Porsmouth, in that he invested in the club and got his money back and more when he left.

That doesn't make him a bad person.

Well, it's a point of view Boc... :icon_wink
The bit about it not making him a bad person, I mean!
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