Colchester Post Match Thread

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First 20 mins was ok i thought, but you could tell the players were knackered from chelsea in the second half. Back 3 very solid, fryatt played well behind the front 2 i thought and made some good chances for himself. Collins John did alright, dont know why he was subbed seeing as he had a rest on wednesday:102:
STILL dont know how steaman is always on the teamsheet. DJ did well and did very well to set up the goal. Sheehan also played alright and was unlucky with that free kick.
Second half was awful, looks like milans not gonna pick burrows for the job.
where to start, i'll keep it simple. too much long ball tatics, we couldnt hold the ball for more then 30 seconds, Kenton useless wanker, Stearman is shite...sheehan played well against yeates, defence did well to a limit, Midfield needs sorting ASAP,

I thought Kenton did OK today. Sheehan is NOT a defensive left back though he is in good company as I've never believed Cashley Cole is either.
Steven posted a very similar realistic summary as you did after the Chelsea match & was labeled as 'negative & paranoid' by some retards, I think that's what he was getting at
It was steven that labelled me "Negative & Paranoid" in that thread.*

*unless it was before that even as I didn't read the thread
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It was steven that labelled me "Negative & Paranoid" in that thread.*

*unless it was before that even as I didn't read the thread

See Macky's post. :icon_wink
It was steven that labelled me "Negative & Paranoid" in that thread.*

*unless it was before that even as I didn't read the thread

It was before your post on that thread, he basically did the same on that thread to you as he has to BB here, a kind of sarcastic irony but leaves me to explain it for him.
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