Colchester Post Match Thread

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Those people who said we did ok in the 2nd half were obviously watching a different game to me. Something like 20 mins into the 2nd half and the possession stats were 89%-11% against us!!! We can't afford to go missing for such long periods of a game! We were in such control of the first half I can't believe the half time talk wasn't along the lines of "same again boys". Their goal was a good one, great ball in, good header, but I thought it was pretty much a one off in that half. But for some reason our boys didn't get over it. Stupid really after what we managed at Chelsea.
no and your gettting jealous it must be your mate stearman who likes mm

At a guess I'd say there must be a lot of crack coming through the docks in Portsmouth, which is fair enough but I don't think you should really be posting on internet forums when you are rocked out of your mind, it makes you appear to be a completer c unt.

If you haven't been smoking rocks of course then you probably are a complete c unt.
Those people who said we did ok in the 2nd half were obviously watching a different game to me. Something like 20 mins into the 2nd half and the possession stats were 89%-11% against us!!! We can't afford to go missing for such long periods of a game! We were in such control of the first half I can't believe the half time talk wasn't along the lines of "same again boys". Their goal was a good one, great ball in, good header, but I thought it was pretty much a one off in that half. But for some reason our boys didn't get over it. Stupid really after what we managed at Chelsea.

Or Watford or Villa. Motivational guru required I think? :icon_conf
And I'm sure that one in particular will say it was equally as bad because we didn't win this one either and winning is everything and anything else is not worth it.

The performance was far far worse, but again we could not hold on to a lead, or even extend a lead we had.
At the end of the day it was a point, but the whole match was pretty bad and nobady can now say Burrows and GT for the managers job can they?

Also we took thousands to Chelsea, where were they all yesterday???? and lets see those tossers take a positive from last nights game!
Stupid really after what we managed at Chelsea.

Did you really expect anything else? :102:

Martin Fulop - excellent
James Chambers - good - within his limitations
Patrick Kisnorbo - good
Bruno N'Gotty - excellent
Gareth McAuley - excellent
Alan Sheehan - good going forward no defender. Perhaps he should move inside
Richard Stearman - poor defender poor attacker
Darren Kenton - good -within his limitations
Collins John - good
Matty Fryatt - in behind the front two is not the position for Fryatt
DJ Campbell - good

Really disappointing performance. Tactics seemed to include chipping the ball forward as in the DJ goal at Chelski. Should have gone round the full backs as per the first goal. Not sure I saw that again for the rest of the game. :icon_conf Much the better side yet unable to deliver the killer blow.

If that is the best FB and GT can do then let another dog see the rabbit. No wonder MM looked underwhelmed as it was a game we should have won.
The performance was far far worse, but again we could not hold on to a lead, or even extend a lead we had.
At the end of the day it was a point, but the whole match was pretty bad and nobady can now say Burrows and GT for the managers job can they?
Also we took thousands to Chelsea, where were they all yesterday???? and lets see those tossers take a positive from last nights game!

Probably not, but Burrows hasn't had much luck with the injury situation. Having to play strikers and defenders in midfield isn't the ideal recipe for success. We had a right back and a left back in midfield (Chambers and Kenton) and Fryatt. If Clemence, Weso and Hume were fit it may have been a different story? :icon_conf
Probably not, but Burrows hasn't had much luck with the injury situation. Having to play strikers and defenders in midfield isn't the ideal recipe for success.
That was exactly the same for Megson, but he didn't get much sympathy :102:
That was exactly the same for Megson, but he didn't get much sympathy :102:

True but Ginger didn't have an outrageous moustache and wear an andy cap :icon_roll
That was exactly the same for Megson, but he didn't get much sympathy :102:

To be honest none of Megson, Burrows and Taggart can be blamed for the composition of the squad.

We went into the season with an unbalanced squad with regard to mid fielders- there were some dubious looking signings of Hellings and exotic wingers etc - but it all looked unlikely to work.

I notice that some people are complaining about injuries but I doubt if we have more than the average and we have a very big squad for the division.
How bad must Hellings be for Christ's sake? We're playing full backs in his place.
To be honest none of Megson, Burrows and Taggart can be blamed for the composition of the squad.

We went into the season with an unbalanced squad with regard to mid fielders- there were some dubious looking signings of Hellings and exotic wingers etc - but it all looked unlikely to work.

I notice that some people are complaining about injuries but I doubt if we have more than the average and we have a very big squad for the division.
Exactly Redditch, so the blame lies squarely at the feet of MM and the Barrow Boy.

Ultimately MM has to take responsibility for employing somebody that employed the wrong people. Which is why he stood up and admitted that and attempted to correct his mistake.
How bad must Hellings be for Christ's sake? We're playing full backs in his place.

The signing looked to me at the time like a complete con of Leicester City and presumably there are reasons why Hellings fell so quickly from Ajax down the football ladder.
If there is one positive from yesterday's debacle then it is the Idiots dreamteam management choice takes one further pace backwards.

When Mandaric claimed this week that Franky had given him a headache I knew what he meant.

At least I hope I do.

Frank Burrows was full of praise for his patched up Foxes

He gets more like Kelly by the day.:icon_roll
If there is one positive from yesterday's debacle then it is the Idiots dreamteam management choice takes one further pace backwards.

When Mandaric claimed this week that Franky had given him a headache I knew what he meant.

At least I hope I do.

He gets more like Kelly by the day.:icon_roll

Quite - if Burrows was going to make a football manager of any standard then he would have done so by now - he is in his early 60's after all. Slippers for Christmas I think.

It's a huge long shot to think that Taggart could do the job - and not one which you would hope that Leicester would be willing to risk.

However, given our situation - and it's already obvious that there is no rush from quality candidates -so do we go for another re-cycled failure or give Taggart a chance?

For once - I really wouldn't know.
However, given our situation - and it's already obvious that there is no rush from quality candidates -so do we go for another re-cycled failure or give Taggart a chance?

For once - I really wouldn't know.

Changing tack slightly, why do you think that Nigel Clough has never progressed into the 'proper' leagues?
Not far wrong, alex - some overblown expectations on here
Stearman, Newton and Chambers, however, were / are / will always be utter dogshit

My expectations of Campbell aren't overblown.He cost us 2 million pounds thats a fair bit for a club like us,I expect him to break into a sweat at some point.Chambers should be judged when he is played in his correct position i.e Roght Back or Right Wing Back,he is not a Central Midfielder IMO
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