Compare petrol prices in Leicester

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what's that in proper money?
fecking EU grants to get you lot out of poverty but at least it saves Britain having to cough up for all the years of tyranny, oppression & bleeding your country dry.....

True, true
ASDA at Fosse Park was 100.9 on Monday, here I paid 104.9 today, feckin robbin bastards.

Just up the road from here, along the A5 is a small independent garage, still sells 4* and charges £1,50 a litre for it
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$2.91 a gallon*, which equates to about 35p a litre I think. Tucson has the cheapest petrol in the country for some reason.

* A US gallon is smaller than a UK gallon - just under 4 litres. It's one of the reasons that American MPG figures look so bad compared to European ones. The other reason is they build big, ugly, stupid, gas-guzzling boats on wheels, and then proceed drive them all over the place like great big tossers.
$2.91 a gallon*, which equates to about 35p a litre I think. Tucson has the cheapest petrol in the country for some reason.
When I was in Arizona I was told that the petrol was cheap because it was an Native Indian Reservation and they dont pay tax. Does that stack up?
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When I was in Arizona I was told that the petrol was cheap because it was an Native Indian Reservation and they dont pay tax. Does that stack up?
Errrrr... Possibly something to do with it, but I don't think so really.

For one thing, I'm pretty sure they do have to pay taxes (or are at least supposed to), although they may be set at a rate chosen by the tribe itself. Tucson has a massive "Native American" (the PR term) reservation nearby called the Tohono O'Odham Nation (formerly called the Papago Indians). But the city is not in it and it's the city that has the cheapest fuel. There are also equally huge tracts of "Indian Land" all over the USA (not just the bits where cowboy and Injun films are set).

Americans have no idea how expensive petrol is elsewhere and are always amazed when you tell them how much it costs in the UK.
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1Manchester C  412
5Aston Villa49
7Nottm F48
10Manchester U46
13Tottenham 44
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