Credit Crunch

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When are we going to have ' the dole ' thread:102:

The one where all you bad timekeepers, lazy feckers, and sicknoters, can mull over your misfortune:icon_wink
Me too. Well, decision delayed until May.

Had an email saying no increases for 2009, just have to fiddle the expenses a bit more then...

I thought I would be knocked back but nothing ventured nothing gained. I probably get the sack now for my cheek. :icon_bigg :icon_razz
Had an email saying no increases for 2009, just have to fiddle the expenses a bit more then...

Caught the end part of something on the radio the other day whereby someone said they were going to make up the shortfall by having extra sick days!
Yesterday was the highest number of sickdays per 100,000 workers ever apparantly!

Would seems this has already begun!
We were 20% down on staff yesterday. Everyone seems to be ill or getting over illness though.

M&S cutting 1000 jobs although retail figures in general are nowhere near as bad as predicted.
1:37pm UK, Wednesday January 07, 2009
Barclays bank is to axe 400 jobs, the company has announced.

The jobs will go from the company's IT department

The job losses will come from the company's ITarm, with 158 permanent staff and 250 contractors affected.
Barclays Offices in Cheshire, Northampton and London will be affected.
The company said in a statement: "Barclays continually reviews its operations.
"We have identified some aspects of our technology operations where the organisational structure impedes performance, and roles and responsibilities for colleagues are unclear.

Credit Crunch

The latest news on the credit crunch.

"This will affect around 400 positions - 158 permanent staff and 250 contractors."
Derek Simpson, Unite Joint General Secretary, said: "410 job losses in the financial services sector will come as a bitter blow to the IT workforce across Barclays.
"This loss of 160 permanent and 250 contractors, all of which are highly skilled roles is a serious loss to the UK's skill base.
"Unite will be working with Barclays in order to avoid compulsory job losses and looking to explore all the opportunities for redeployment."
In another day of heavy job losses, Marks & Spencer said it was axing 1,200 positions while the sub-prime lender Cattles also said it was axing 1,000 staff.
Around 400 Cattles positions will but cut through the closure of the back office operation at Hull.
Cattles is a specialist lender in the sub-prime market.
The company also runs debt recovery firm Lewis and a business providing working capital finance to small and medium-sized businesses.
Why is this thread in the Leicester City Forum? Sack the mods!!!
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