Dickov Gone

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Tom W

New Member
Dickov's officially gone.

What a wanker. Enjoy barely making the bench, Paul.

Paul Dickov has turned down the offer of a substantially improved contract to agree to a move to Premiership side Blackburn Rovers.

Rovers were one of several top-flight clubs who matched an escape clause fee built into Dickov’s Walkers Stadium contract that he signed at the start of last season.

And despite major attempts by boss Micky Adams and City to persuade the Scottish international striker to stay, the 31-year-old has elected to go to Ewood Park.

Adams said today: “We have done everything possible to persuade Paul to stay with us.

”I spoke with him last week before he went away on holiday, and offered him a significantly increased new contract.

“Paul said he would go away and think about it and he telephoned me last night to say that he would be moving to Blackburn.

“Everyone at the club is very disappointed. Paul has done a marvellous job for us here and we wish him all the best for the future.”

Adams now plans to move swiftly in the transfer market to replace Dickov and a large proportion of the rest of which he released a fortnight ago.

He added: “I can assure all Leicester City fans that we will replace Paul and that search has already begun.

“We are returning for pre-season training on June 28 and we hope to have several new signings in by that date.”
I cannot believe this, i'm so gutted. I don't know whether to slag Dickov off or not, i'm feeling that angry that some f*cker's got to have it. Why? He never gave any intention he would ever leave here with his passion and that's why it hurts so much. He must of wanted a clean break after the La Manga incident, but why tell 32,000 fans your definately staying. That's my only gripe with the legend.

End of an era, i'm more upset that Dickov has gone than I am with Izzet going.

Malf - a seriously heart broken man.
Hope that bench is comfortable at Blackburn Paul.Sickening news.
Tom W said:
Dickov's officially gone.

What a wanker. Enjoy barely making the bench, Paul.

Paul Dickov has turned down the offer of a substantially improved contract to agree to a move to Premiership side Blackburn Rovers.

Rovers were one of several top-flight clubs who matched an escape clause fee built into Dickov’s Walkers Stadium contract that he signed at the start of last season.

And despite major attempts by boss Micky Adams and City to persuade the Scottish international striker to stay, the 31-year-old has elected to go to Ewood Park.

Adams said today: “We have done everything possible to persuade Paul to stay with us.

”I spoke with him last week before he went away on holiday, and offered him a significantly increased new contract.

“Paul said he would go away and think about it and he telephoned me last night to say that he would be moving to Blackburn.

“Everyone at the club is very disappointed. Paul has done a marvellous job for us here and we wish him all the best for the future.”

Adams now plans to move swiftly in the transfer market to replace Dickov and a large proportion of the rest of which he released a fortnight ago.

He added: “I can assure all Leicester City fans that we will replace Paul and that search has already begun.
“We are returning for pre-season training on June 28 and we hope to have several new signings in by that date.”

That's Nacho Novo, he'll be here by the end of next week.
Wanker!!! Lets face it he's 31 and would of done a job in div 1 next year but i doubt he would any good if we got promoted lets get Novo in he sounds the buisiness, Hardworking, lightening quick, skillful and can finish sounds to good to be true.
dave said:
Wanker!!! Lets face it he's 31 and would of done a job in div 1 next year but i doubt he would any good if we got promoted lets get Novo in he sounds the buisiness, Hardworking, lightening quick, skillful and can finish sounds to good to be true.
Bet you weren't calling him a wanker when he was banging the goals in, the only wanker is YOU for being so naive :twisted:
Firstly i would like to apprciate what Paul did for us in his time at the club, how he helped us greatly in getting promoted and what a good job he did this year too, secondly i would like to nail his scrotum to the floor the disloyal twat, im very angry about this cos this guy owes us, i know alot of you feel otherwise but in my eyes he really does, if he a shadow deceny about him he would have stayed for sure and payed back his debt to this club, first of Micky pulled him out the shit at Man City taking him from their ressie side and giving him a regualr first team slot in ours, and then of course the La Manga affair where he was supported throughout by the club, fair enough yeh you were given a chance in the prem with a better side, but its gonna end up in the Man City situation again where he'll be stuck in the reserves week in week out, this seems to me a very short sighted decision, and for his lack of loyalty, Dickov will never be a legend in my eyes.
Craig said:
dave said:
Wanker!!! Lets face it he's 31 and would of done a job in div 1 next year but i doubt he would any good if we got promoted lets get Novo in he sounds the buisiness, Hardworking, lightening quick, skillful and can finish sounds to good to be true.
Bet you weren't calling him a wanker when he was banging the goals in, the only wanker is YOU for being so naive :twisted:

Craig mate everyone is frustrated with him leaving, especially after he publically said he was staying. Also most people don't give a shit about anything regarding football other than Leicester so if a player leaves then as far as they are concenred they can f*ck off, which is rightly so. I'm only interested about one thing and that's Leicester and player who want to play for us.

Bye Bye wasp, dissapointed
Do you reckon after the talks with Blackburn, Souness gave Dickov a ring and had a few quiet words in his ear?! :wink:

Dickov is not a legend, he was a good player who put in 110% and was well liked by the fans.

Let's move on, Dickov went for the money, and who could blame him. In an ideal world, players would play for the shirt, the club, let's be realistic, they play for the $$.

I'm not angry at the wee man, the same can't be said for the fookin gibbon who priced the getout clause so low, should have been at least £250k, a decent price for all concerned.
Malf said:
Craig said:
dave said:
Wanker!!! Lets face it he's 31 and would of done a job in div 1 next year but i doubt he would any good if we got promoted lets get Novo in he sounds the buisiness, Hardworking, lightening quick, skillful and can finish sounds to good to be true.
Bet you weren't calling him a wanker when he was banging the goals in, the only wanker is YOU for being so naive :twisted:

Craig mate everyone is frustrated with him leaving, especially after he publically said he was staying. Also most people don't give a shit about anything regarding football other than Leicester so if a player leaves then as far as they are concenred they can f*ck off, which is rightly so. I'm only interested about one thing and that's Leicester and player who want to play for us.

Bye Bye wasp, dissapointed
Calling someone a wanker for moving to a better paid job is a bit stupid really.

I bet everyones been in that thick maths, english etc. class, where everyone's predicted to fail. Yet you were given a chance to go to the slightly more advanced group, you wouldn't reject it, would you? It's exactly the same! Therefore, everyone that once did that is a twattish, unloyal wanker for leaving their mates behind. :twisted:
LS6_Fox said:
Do you reckon after the talks with Blackburn, Souness gave Dickov a ring and had a few quiet words in his ear?! :wink:

Dickov is not a legend, he was a good player who put in 110% and was well liked by the fans.

Let's move on, Dickov went for the money, and who could blame him. In an ideal world, players would play for the shirt, the club, let's be realistic, they play for the $$.

I'm not angry at the wee man, the same can't be said for the fookin gibbon who priced the getout clause so low, should have been at least £250k, a decent price for all concerned.

If his clause was at £500k I reckon teams would still meet it, £75-100k is disgusting. Sack Bassett and Adams for this
Ok, I just want to warn you that when I wrote this song I was listening to the
Cure a lot.

You don't know how much I need you.
While you're near me I don't feel blue.
And when we kiss I know you need me too.
I can't believe I found a love that's so pure and true.

But it all was bullshit.
It was a goddam joke.
And when I think of you Dickov,
I hope you ****ing choke.

I hope you're glad with what you've done to me.
I lay in bed all day long feeling melancholy.
You left me here all alone, tears running constantly.

Oh somebody kill me please,
somebody kill me plee-ase,
I'm on my knees,
pretty pretty please kill me.

I want to die.
Put a bullet in my head
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