Dickov is set for City exit...

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Dickov is set for City exit
By Bill Anderson

With one "escapee" gone, Micky Adams now expects his top striker Paul Dickov will be the next Leicester City player to exercise his get-out clause.

Ricky Scimeca's signing for West Bromwich Albion yesterday left the City boss with a sense of betrayal as the former Aston Villa and Nottingham Forest man took advantage of that option.

Scimeca, though, has said he did not know of the escape clause, but the fact that he has left City with another year on his contract speaks for itself.

And if Scottish international Dickov - in talks with Portsmouth yesterday and with Blackburn Rovers also waiting in the wings - goes too, Adams' bitterness would be even more.

The way he sees it, both Scimeca and Dickov were given a new lease of life by City, especially Dickov who has gone from permanent reserve at Manchester City to a goal-scoring hero at the Walkers Stadium.

Adams' fears that Premiership predators would "pick over the carcass" of relegation look well-founded and he said: "I would have hoped that players who I have basically re-invented would have had a bit more about them.

"We signed them when no-one else was interested in them but they will say they have their families to think about, no doubt.

"I would look at someone like Muzzy Izzet, who had plenty of chances to leave but honoured his contract with us to the very end, and I would have expected others to have done the same thing.

"Scimeca has gone and with Dickov having discussions with Portsmouth and Blackburn, I now expect him to go too."

This has off-set any sense of pleasure in the long-awaited end of the La Manga saga when all charges against the City players involved, including Dickov, have been dismissed.

Adams said the issue had clouded the survival bid, knocking some of City's famous spirit at a key time in the campaign, so the news has come too late in that sense.

He said: "I knew right from the start that they were innocent and if it had been cleared up a lot sooner when the season was still going, it would definitely have been a boost, that's for sure.

"And it might have made a difference."

:cry: :evil:
if it does turn out that he leaves... :evil: :x

would be an absolute disgrace, as Micky said we've given him a new lease of life and the thanks we get ay...
Dickov To Pompey :shock: :o :( :evil: :!:
[/quote]we don't need players like you......[/quote]

oh we do!

but if he's gonna be an unloyal cnut, he can f*ck right off :x :evil:
Lord_Cobley said:
if it does turn out that he leaves... :evil: :x

would be an absolute disgrace, as Micky said we've given him a new lease of life and the thanks we get ay...

But we have created this situation by including a clause in his contract that positively encourages this type of approach from other clubs.

We are either totally skint or stupid or both!
Redditch Fox said:
Lord_Cobley said:
if it does turn out that he leaves... :evil: :x

would be an absolute disgrace, as Micky said we've given him a new lease of life and the thanks we get ay...

But we have created this situation by including a clause in his contract that positively encourages this type of approach from other clubs.

We are either totally skint or stupid or both!

Bassett (and MA) decided to go with "experience" as a way of getting out of his/their troubles. What in fact what they signed are players who are "the main chancers already lining up their next posting". We need to sign "the locally born loyalists or the enthusiastic newcomers" or else we will end up going through the same cycle. Muzzy was still an "enthusiastic newcomer" until he left.
Steven said:
Redditch Fox said:
Lord_Cobley said:
if it does turn out that he leaves... :evil: :x

would be an absolute disgrace, as Micky said we've given him a new lease of life and the thanks we get ay...

But we have created this situation by including a clause in his contract that positively encourages this type of approach from other clubs.

We are either totally skint or stupid or both!

Bassett (and MA) decided to go with "experience" as a way of getting out of his/their troubles. What in fact what they signed are players who are "the main chancers already lining up their next posting". We need to sign "the locally born loyalists or the enthusiastic newcomers" or else we will end up going through the same cycle. Muzzy was still an "enthusiastic newcomer" until he left.

I don't like the way the club is being run. It was always a bad idea to allow Dave Bassett near Leicester City. His record is one of opportunism & poor football. The deals he had done have been ultimately not in the club's interests. I agree with the above view -they signed "experience" but not blokes who are right to build the right club ethos - this of course compounded by stupidly self-damaging clauses well beyond the sort of insurance needed to protect the club's interest in the event of relegation.
If it took clauses like the ones given to Dickov & Scimeca to get them to sign then they should have been shown the door. 'Give me a contract that allows me to move on for next to nothing - if we don't perform well enough to stay up' -right really smart move City!

In spite of his appealing down to earth communication style - he reality is that he looks like fielding one of the club's weakest teams I have seen next season. This is certainly not all his fault because there appears to be a board which has nothing effective to contribute - & its a very depressing situation.
we don't need players like you......[/quote]

oh we do!

but if he's gonna be an unloyal cnut, he can f*ck right off :x :evil:[/quote]

Of course we need his qualities in the first division, but what I mean is we don't want any one who is not commited to the club.....
Of course we need his qualities in the first division, but what I mean is we don't want any one who is not commited to the club.....[/quote]

"Committed to the club" - you must be joking Scowcroft!
We have a manager - who just when we were on the brink of promotion -lets the world know that he is open to offers & would be off now except that he is no longer hot property.

We have players who got ridiculous clauses allowing them to move on at a fraction of their transfer value & then who put on a show as soon as we were relegated in order to attract potential buyers aided by comments on Sky from a manager advertising their availablilty!

This is a sad mess & probably needs a completely new start -certainly without Bassett & possibly without MA - even accepting the fact that the state we are in is not helpful to attracting either an ambitious manager nor decent players.

I realise that MA is widely popular both amongst our support & amongst followers of the game in general - but this is a really crap situation that the club overall & him included as reached now.
Scowcroft said:
we don't need players like you......

oh we do!

but if he's gonna be an unloyal cnut, he can f*ck right off :x :evil:[/quote]

Of course we need his qualities in the first division, but what I mean is we don't want any one who is not commited to the club.....[/quote]

I know you did :wink:
Was confirmed by MA in the NOTW today that dickov has spoken to both WBA and portsmouth, but not B'ham yet. Also re-iterated his disappointment if leaves and that he is prepared to offer dickov a new contract.
Lboro fox said:
Was confirmed by MA in the NOTW today that dickov has spoken to both WBA and portsmouth, but not B'ham yet. Also re-iterated his disappointment if leaves and that he is prepared to offer dickov a new contract.

That is 4 clubs now interested in him:


I think it's fair to say he will be off........
Lboro fox said:
Was confirmed by MA in the NOTW today that dickov has spoken to both WBA and portsmouth, but not B'ham yet. Also re-iterated his disappointment if leaves and that he is prepared to offer dickov a new contract.

Bassett and MA should have foreseen all this crap & acted accordingly 12 months ago.

As I have said boringly & repeatedly - they have created this situation -not the player - & are reponsible for this humiliating position.
I reckon Bassett is to blame for some of the awful signings this season as well as this contract mess. For instance Hignett and Curtis both played for him at Barnsley - not a coincidence they came here too.
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