Edgar Davids on his way?

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**** off Edgar, you are taking too long if you wanted to come you would have been here by now.

Yet more poor, ill-informed logic from the over-reactive teenager.

Transfer don't tend to just happen. The two parties had been talking for three weeks prior to it being revealed to the press on Tuesday. By your twisted logic, it should have been done and dusted a couple of weeks ago then? It's not as simple as it is on Football Manager.
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Leicester City have offered Dutch veteran midfielder Edgar Davids a performance-related deal but are awaiting confirmation on his current fitness levels. (News of the World)
I think you lot are all stupid. I bet when he sat down with his agent he wrote a list of places he would want to go and Leicester was right at the top.

Milan probably knows this, and being a shrewd businessman has offered him tuppence a week and a blowjob off the youth team captain. Edgar has worked out that this will not cover his air fare and he will not be able to feed his dog, Sebastian, who has a wheat allergy and so needs special dog mix.

Because he has always been a Leicester fan and is desperate to play for us, he has come up with a plan. I think he has phoned Milan and asked him if he can sell pancakes and marijuana at half time. Milan has been outraged! 'No' says Milan. Edgar breaks down. 'Milan. youse Bashtard, youse harsch bashtard. Mein schmall dog vill die, but I lovsch die Lestoh. I vill kommen to Lestoh anyvay.'

Milan questions Edgar. Upon hearing the full story, and being a dog lover himself, Milan has tried to ring his vet, but his vet is at a buddhist retreat in Azerbaijan for the weekend trying to find inner peace and overcome his fondness of fingering cats when they are under the effect of anaesthetic - mobiles have to be turned off and the wifi keeps dropping out so Messenger isn't any good

Milan is also worried that any surprise disturbance of his meditation could result in a cat fingering frenzy that ends in torn cat sphincters and a lot of explaining to the world's press. We don't need another La Manga, so he's going to wait till his vet returns.

My guess is that we'll find out on Tuesday. Be patient, Edgar loves Leicester, we love hash pancakes and Milan loves dogs and unharmed cats. This is a win-win for everyone concerned....

unless Davids can longer run and ends up pairing up with Dickov to rub Deepheat onto the arthritic parts that are difficult to reach. Still, its only tuppence a week. Worth a punt.

At last something concrete.
Jees i hope we dont get him.
I have a feeling he will be one of those players who struts around with more concern about looking good than actually playing well and wont really give a toss about fighting for the LCFC cause.
If hes all that and more why isnt he going to a good prem club but still he may last longer than Roberto Mancini did.
This from http://www.voetbalcentraal.nl/nieuws/38460 . :icon_wink

'Edgar Davids zijn eerste optie is Leicester City'

Het is zeer waarschijnlijk dat Leicester City de nieuwe club wordt van Edgar Davids. De Nederlander neemt uiterlijk dit weekend een besluit over voor welke club hij kiest. De club uit Engeland is een 'zeer interessante optie'.

Leicester City is zeer geïnteresseerd in de voormalig speler van Ajax. Volgens voorzitter Milan Mandaric is het salaris van de Nederland totaal geen probleem. 'Hij heeft meer opties', vertelt zaakwaarnemer Robert Geerlings. 'Maar Leicester City is zeer interessant voor hem. Dit weekend valt er een besluit.'

Nadat hij gestopt was bij de Amsterdammers werd hij aan veel clubs gelinkt. Zo zou hij naar Vitesse of naar De Graafschao verkassen. Toch kwam hij er met die clubs niet uit. Met Leicester lijkt hij dit wel te komen.

Gepubliceerd door Ronald Verhoef | 25-10-09 | 00:06
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Translation please? I'm on my phone, so I can't do it myself.

Edgar Davids have first option Leicester City '

It is very likely that the new club Leicester City of Edgar Davids. The Dutchman takes appearance this weekend for a decision on which club he chooses. The club from England is a very interesting option.

Leicester City is very interested in the former Ajax player. According to chairman Milan Mandaric is the salary of the Netherlands no problem. "He has more options," said agent Robert Geerlings. "But Leicester City is very interesting for him. This weekend there is a decision. "

After he was stopped in Amsterdam, he was linked to many clubs. Thus he Vitesse De Graafschao or relocate. Yet he came to those clubs not. In Leicester he seems to have come.

Published by Verhoef Ronald | 25-10-09 | 00:06
looks a dead cert now then, get the glasses in the club shop :)
Translation please? I'm on my phone, so I can't do it myself.

Edgar Davids are first option are Leicester City

It is very probable that Leicester City the new club becomes of Edgar Davids. The Dutchman takes over at the latest this weekend a decision for which club he chooses. The club from United Kingdom is a very interesting option.

Leicester City have been very interested in former the player of Ajax. According to President Milan Mandaric the salary of the Netherlands totally no problem is. He has more options, tells to matter observer Robert Geerlings. But Leicester City are very interesting for him. This weekend falls there decides.

After he had stopped at the Amsterdammers became he to many clubs gelinkt. Thus he would relocate to Vitesse or to the Graafschao. Toch he did not come with those clubs. With Leicester he this seems come, however.
Edgar Davids have first option Leicester City '

It is very likely that the new club Leicester City of Edgar Davids. The Dutchman takes appearance this weekend for a decision on which club he chooses. The club from England is a very interesting option.

Leicester City is very interested in the former Ajax player. According to chairman Milan Mandaric is the salary of the Netherlands no problem. "He has more options," said agent Robert Geerlings. "But Leicester City is very interesting for him. This weekend there is a decision. "

After he was stopped in Amsterdam, he was linked to many clubs. Thus he Vitesse De Graafschao or relocate. Yet he came to those clubs not. In Leicester he seems to have come.

Published by Verhoef Ronald | 25-10-09 | 00:06

Wicked. I see that the Yoda translator you have used.
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