Edgar Davids on his way?

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Stringer is just going to keep bleating out his BS about tomorrow being the day or next week being the week and then when it does happen he can say he told us so or act like he knew what he was talking about.

Speaking of Stringer, and I really don't dislike his commentary, but when did Milan change his last name from Mandaric to Chairman and why doesn't he not refer to Nigel as 'Mr Manager'?
Something on football rumours about him being unveiled with John Dahl Tomasson hahaha I believe this.
Speaking of Stringer, and I really don't dislike his commentary, but when did Milan change his last name from Mandaric to Chairman and why doesn't he not refer to Nigel as 'Mr Manager'?

It has long been a convention for the chairman of an organization to be refered to as Mr Chairman (or in the event of her being a chairwoman .. Mrs Chairwoman or Madam Chair).
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Just been listening to the interview on the BBC and you can hear Pearson getting a little agititated by it towards the end of those four minutes of being asked the same question in different forms. Stringer obviously trying to get a firm answer but Nigel unwilling to budge on the subject.
There will be so many people dressed as Davids on Friday if he signs. No offence but can you hurry the **** up on your decision?
There will be so many people dressed as Davids on Friday if he signs. No offence but can you hurry the **** up on your decision?

You should have been at Aylestone swimming pool last night, it was like an Edgar Davids lookalike competition.
From the Mirror:

Milan Mandaric has given Edgar Davids a deadline of 24 hours to make a decision on joining Leicester.

Mandaric has demanded an answer from the Dutch legend today after offering a strong financial package to entice him to the Walkers Stadium.

Davids is a free agent after leaving Ajax last year and has held talks with the Foxes, but Mandaric claims his chances of landing the midfielder are still “50-50”.

He said last night: “The offer has been made. We have given him 24 hours to respond. At the moment, I’m not sure where we are with it.

“I don’t know - nor have I been given - any indication one way or the other. I would say it’s 50-50 at the moment. By today, we should find out more.”

Leicester want the 36-year-old signed in time for their trip to play-off rivals QPR on Friday night.
So Stringer's comment of today being an interesting day should be right

Even though we probably won't find out until tomorrow...

I don't think he's coming.
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According to todays mirror ... 'Leicester City chairman Milan Mandaric has told free agent Edgar Davids he has 24 hours to decide on joining'
Highly unlikely he will join us - always was.

My guess is that he's fishing for a short term contract with a premiership club. In fact, although he's probably more or less gone as a player, he's still more likely to be more comfortable in that league rather than our's. He'd look for the higher skill factor and less hustle and bustle.

We all would if we were in his position.

Fulham or West Ham look the sort of club.....or possibly QPR if he coudn't get fixed up with a London premiership club.

Just my guess of course.
I think the 24-hour ultimatum suggests that it's unlikely to happen now. If he was as interested as we've been made to believe, there would surely be no need for an ultimatum.

id go along with that...ah well who's next on the 'wanted' list :)
Maybe he is trying to get a continuous Prem contract rather than a Pay as you Play deal, which I think would be more likely in the Prem at his age. For us we can simply offer a lower continuous wage but big performance bonuses.
I think the 24-hour ultimatum suggests that it's unlikely to happen now. If he was as interested as we've been made to believe, there would surely be no need for an ultimatum.

If the story is completely true.A lot has been said about a strict fitness test he will have to pass so for all we know he could have been doing this for a couple of days and then we have offered him a deal only yestreday and told him he has 24hrs to decide! Or i could be clutching at straws and he is pimping himself out to the highest bidder!!!!
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