End of season awards live video

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You're not comparing like with like. At all.

A footballer's tool is his body. When he drinks to excess, he is reducing the short-, medium- and long-term value of said tool in respect to his ability to do his job. Worse, he is knowingly doing so. This is equivalent to, say, a tree surgeon purposely putting the wrong fuel in all his chainsaws or an accountant prying the '0' and '%' buttons off all his calculators. The difference is the tree surgeon can have his chainsaws repaired, the accountant can buy new calculators, but the footballer can't just buy a new lung, leg or liver.

Alcohol does wear off you know, it's hardly as if they were pissed when they were actually playing or you are pissed forever after consuming a drink.

Your comparison is poor too as alcohol doesn't have permanent damage, potentially if consumed to excess on a regular basis but there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

Your analogies are akin to the players amputing a foot or accidentally consuming a plate of plutonium instead of their dinner.

There is no difference in the players having a few drinks the Saturday before a Tuesday night match to any of us going out on a Friday night and then having to go to work on Monday.
Alcohol does wear off you know, it's hardly as if they were pissed when they were actually playing or you are pissed forever after consuming a drink.

Your comparison is poor too as alcohol doesn't have permanent damage, potentially if consumed to excess on a regular basis but there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

Your analogies are akin to the players amputing a foot or accidentally consuming a plate of plutonium instead of their dinner.

There is no difference in the players having a few drinks the Saturday before a Tuesday night match to any of us going out on a Friday night and then having to go to work on Monday.
You don't really believe this pile of shite do you?
You don't really believe this pile of shite do you?

Wow, I could have easily levelled the same accusation at your prior post considering you used a chainsaw and a calculator as a comparison to a footballer having a few drinks!

Ignoring that though, there is no difference in the lads having a drink before the Brighton game to any of us having a drink at the weekend.
Wow, I could have easily levelled the same accusation at your prior post considering you used a chainsaw and a calculator as a comparison to a footballer having a few drinks!

Ignoring that though, there is no difference in the lads having a drink before the Brighton game to any of us having a drink at the weekend.
If you're a professional sportsman, then yes there's no difference at all.
If you're a professional sportsman, then yes there's no difference at all.

I think you are massively over estimating the effects of a night out.

EDIT - change that to 'I know'.
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I think it's a bit naive to think players don't go out and have a few drinks during the season and it happens at the top level too. It might be better if they didn't, but it isn't going to happen and it's a bit naive to expect it to. Anyhoo, I can't be arsed to get into a big discussion about it, so apart from a 'meh', I think I'll leave it at that. Too much usage of extreme examples when it doesn't have to be an either/or outcome, it could be somewhere in the middle.
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You fail to say which professional teams in Europe have totally dry squads, also you'll find the ashes team had further games to play after winning the ashes. You may bang on about this but it all seems like the pointless ranting of an obsessive.

Thanks very much. I'm not obsessed in the slightest. NP often talks about little advantages and, to be honest, it's the film they showed on Late Kick Off that has really wound me up. It's just so hypocritical to talk about edges and seek perfection whilst getting pissed between matches.

I have no idea how many 'dry' squads there are in Europe. But what I would argue is that, were they to exist, they would have an edge over those that aren't.
So I then assume you only drink when you are on holiday from your chosen profession?

Obviously that's as true as the fact that Hitler actually liked Jews but it should be the case if that's what you believe should be the case with footballers.
I'm reluctant to reply, as I'm pretty sure that you're just trolling at this stage, but sure **** it.

The huge difference is though is that I'm not a professional athlete and neither am I paid offensive amounts of money to be. Also, I wouldn't imbibe, insufflate, ingest or inhale anything to the point where I'd be incapable of performing my chosen profession when I was expected to, as was the case of the team when they played Brighton.
I'm guessing you're teetotal as well BN?

This is a difficult one to answer but I'll try seeing as it's relevant to understanding my argument, which at least a few of you have done. Apologies in advance for being excessive and self-indulgent so please feel free to ignore from here on in.

I'm not against alcohol totally and I wouldn't describe myself as a non-drinker. However, I'm certainly not what most of you would describe as 'normal' when it comes to alcohol. In the past, I did drink socially and sometimes to excess. I've also experimented with a number of the other things that I linked in that article earlier in the thread. I've never had any kind of 'problem' with alcohol or anything else though.

Over the years, my use of alcohol has substantially reduced for several reasons* and, in the last 18 months, I've only had two alcoholic drinks. One was a pint of lager with a curry because I fancied one and enjoyed it and the other was a glass of champagne on Xmas day which was foul and gave me a headache. On many, many other occasions where alcohol has been prevalent and thrust in my direction, I've opted not to. I may have a drink tomorrow but I doubt it because I now prefer how it feels without it. It's extraordinary and fascinating just how hard it is for some people to handle this viewpoint. Especially when they are drinking themselves.

In addition, my view of alcohol is definitely skewed by personal experience of people dying directly or indirectly because of it. And the resulting destruction it can cause. But I'm really no prude about it and fully understand that it has few obvious issues for many people in moderation.

* Even small amounts of alcohol tend to mess up my sleep patterns, mood, energy levels and emotions. I find that this is masked when it is done regularly and causes me to turn to other things like caffeine or sugar to compensate, which I'd really rather not do in this way. Alcohol is also highly addictive so drinking it tends to make you want to do it again. I just don't like being controlled or have my thinking dulled by anything nowadays.

As someone that now tries to avoid things that negatively interfere with my brain chemicals, it is truly remarkable just how powerful they are. So, for example, I now don't drink caffeine very often, much like alcohol, but when I do, I can only compare its effect to taking an amphetamine. When I drank caffeine daily, it had little perceptible effect. Now the rush is incredible and a little bit scary. So I avoid it because it's quite powerful really.

I believe that whenever you indulge in something that effects the brain significantly, you're borrowing against yourself and will need to pay it back. So, for example, if you drink to excess, this causes all kinds of mini-explosions in the brain, leading to a short term high before an eventual depressant mood. To compensate, you may have a couple of strong coffees the next morning to lift yourself. I think this endless cycle of artificially propping up your brain is bad for your mental health and, eventually, will tend to catch up with many people.

Nowadays, I find something like mindfulness to have the same effect as alcohol on my brain in terms of relaxing it positively without any of the downside. In the coming decades, we'll learn much more about how the brain works and how it really should be treated with more respect.

Hopefully, if anyone is still reading, they can see the link between this and the point about professional sportsmen using alcohol. Especially when mental and physical well-being is considered so important. I really do appreciate the benefits of celebration but cannot see choosing to do it with alcohol as anything other than primitive and ultimately potentially damaging.

For every occasion where drink causes someone to put their arm round a team mate and tell them how much they love them, there will be an occasion where the guard comes down and petty squabbles or personality clashes come to the fore. I don't see it as a good thing for them psychologically or physically. And I'd be very surprised if any expert worth the title said different.
****, I feel like a coffee after reading that.
For me it's very simple, any intoxicant taken to excess will have a negative mental and physical affect on any human being and if you're an overpaid athlete with high expectations that you need to fulfil, it's understandable that they may be criticised for it.
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Does anybody else remember what Bruno Berner had to say about the drinking culture in the English game and his comparison which the attitude elsewhere?
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Your comparison is poor too as alcohol doesn't have permanent damage, potentially if consumed to excess on a regular basis but there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

Do you really believe what you wrote?
I'm starting to feel a little guilty that I haven't had the time to support BN (and some others) in what they have had to say here. The amount of guff from people who would term themselves 'social drinkers' is truly amazing. To see a professional sportsman so clearly out of control in the way that Anthony Knockhaert was is embarassing.
I'm starting to feel a little guilty that I haven't had the time to support BN (and some others) in what they have had to say here. The amount of guff from people who would term themselves 'social drinkers' is truly amazing. To see a professional sportsman so clearly out of control in the way that Anthony Knockhaert was is embarassing.

I don't think anyone is advocating players getting pissed or out of control but that is a far cry from the total abstinence that BN is advocating during the season, players are people and I'd guess that few of ours get drunk regularly since they'd not be able to perform at the top levels they have this season. Alcohol, as with most things we eat or drink, is OK in moderation and small amounts can even be helpful if you read the medical studies, getting drunk however definitely doesn't come out well in medical studies.
I don't think anyone is advocating players getting pissed or out of control but that is a far cry from the total abstinence that BN is advocating during the season, players are people and I'd guess that few of ours get drunk regularly since they'd not be able to perform at the top levels they have this season. Alcohol, as with most things we eat or drink, is OK in moderation and small amounts can even be helpful if you read the medical studies, getting drunk however definitely doesn't come out well in medical studies.

There are several people in this thread advocating players getting pissed. And at the awards 'do', there appeared to be plenty of the club's staff advocating it too.
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There are several people in this thread advocating players getting pissed. And at the awards 'do', there appeared to be plenty of the club's staff advocating it too.

But the job is done this season. I would imagine the attitude towards the players drinking would have been completely different had we still been fighting for a play off place.

I also don't see anyone advocating it or saying it's a great idea, just that they don't see it as a big deal.
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I don't think anyone is advocating players getting pissed or out of control but that is a far cry from the total abstinence that BN is advocating during the season, players are people and I'd guess that few of ours get drunk regularly since they'd not be able to perform at the top levels they have this season. Alcohol, as with most things we eat or drink, is OK in moderation and small amounts can even be helpful if you read the medical studies, getting drunk however definitely doesn't come out well in medical studies.

There are several people in this thread advocating players getting pissed. And at the awards 'do', there appeared to be plenty of the club's staff advocating it too.

Biffa's post sums up where I sit. Unfortunately people often seem unable to take a balanced view and arguments end up with polarised extremes, in this case it feels like people are being categorised into either the total abstinence camp or the totally bladdered camp. Ah **** it, I can't be arsed to say any more again.
Biffa's post sums up where I sit. Unfortunately people often seem unable to take a balanced view and arguments end up with polarised extremes, in this case it feels like people are being categorised into either the total abstinence camp or the totally bladdered camp. Ah **** it, I can't be arsed to say any more again.

Go and have a few gins and then come back and post again

It's what the rest of us do, of a morning
This is hilarious.

People getting their knickers in a right twist over something they don't even know actually happened.

Danny Drinkwater, Matty James, Wood and Kasper all seemed totally sober to me when up on stage collecting awards.

Knocky had a sing song so he must be unfit to play against Doncaster and shouldn't be paid a huge quantity of money because he had a beer.

Never thought I would see Macky being so precious.
This is hilarious.

People getting their knickers in a right twist over something they don't even know actually happened.

Danny Drinkwater, Matty James, Wood and Kasper all seemed totally sober to me when up on stage collecting awards.

Knocky had a sing song so he must be unfit to play against Doncaster and shouldn't be paid a huge quantity of money because he had a beer.

Never thought I would see Macky being so precious.

I'm going to the supporters club player awards tonight, I'll make sure I take a breath testing kit and get all of the players I see tested.
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