I have not voted, again because none of the options seem applicable.
When the Trust started out, I was vehemently against them, but my reasons were purely personal and are not something I wish to discuss.
However, when Steve suffered his stroke, I did quite a bit of liaising with Ian Bason and got the chance to meet him. Thoroughly nice bloke, and fickle as it may seem, my views of the Trust did change.
I think what many people tend to forget, is that all of the FT board are volunteers - many of which have full time 'day' jobs. I've seen a lot of people moaning that the Trust don't post much on the message boards, but I would imagine that if they've been sat at a pc all day long, it must be the last thing they'd want to do when they get home, sometimes.
Also, I know from experience how easy it is for messages to get misconstrued. The media of a message board is hardly ideal for discussing (often heated) debates.
Finally, as has been said on many occasion, the FT can only represent the views of their members, not the entire fan base of LCFC. Therefore, the best thing to do, instead of moaning, is join.
Anyways, just my opinion