Nothing but boredom on the telly for weeks on end as political pundits, fresh from a year of getting everything completely wrong, breathe a sigh of relief at the prospect of the most foregone conclusion in electoral history. The entire western world has veered so markedly to the right during my adult life that only a particular sort of Daily Mail loony can now still trot out the " Gone to hell in a handcart thanks to the Liberal Elite " mantra. Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this is that these days the Russians think it's great. Politics as I knew it growing up is dead. Left & Right have no meaning anymore. It's just a case of which particular corporate agenda or section thereof you are bought by.
Decades of privatisation lead to this. When I was young the state was responsible for almost everything...heavy industries, communications,transport,energy etc etc. All of that is now in private hands. Government controls nothing now...apart from one thing...US. People. Having no say in anything else leaves them free to spend all their time figuring out new ways to milk us dry. All we are is a resource, not a citizenry. Whether it be taxation, cutting service provision, stagnating pay rates or whatever, the focus is on the cash cow that is the UK population. We are governed these days by middle managers rather then statesmen or ideologies. Ideology is dead.
This is where the Corbyn panic comes from. Especially within Labour. His brand of long-thought-dead moderate Socialism (because thats what it is) is a threat to some noses in some troughs.
Perhaps the biggest pile of shit in all of this is the procession of Blairite nobodies who have called Corbyn an anachronism.
****ing hell.
Is it 1997 then? **** me I could have sworn it was later than that. Must get me watch mended.
You can only get away with pretending to be the Tories once. It won't work again. The 2017 Tories are much more Tory than the 90s/2000s Tories.So you won't be fooling anyone.
We've got a decade & a half minimum of Tory govt coming & by the end of that there won't be an alternative in any real sense. I'll be on my pension by then...assuming the ****s haven't stolen it.
Brexit? ****ing meaningless. Even though the entire borefest campaign will be fought on it. At least 70% of the political class across all parties are pro remain. Including The Tin Lady. So that's what you're getting. Davies is only in there as window dressing & has been promised a cushy number in the Lords for playing the role (or some other nice position among the grandees at Central Office)
Afterwards? 2 years of slipping through vicious legislation completely unnoticed while everyone concentrates on the Brexit non-event.
So...goodbye social housing, goodbye NHS, farewell to a whole raft of benefits, bye bye to Higher Education for anyone whose parents don't pull 50K a year minimum. Hello to the decimation of employee rights, the surveillance society & massive cuts to any service that rich people don't need to use.
The only hope is that the Tories somehow self destruct within a few years through their usual habits of sex & financial scandals. Probably not though as that usually accelerates only after a fair few years in power when they get jaded & directionless & the people finally figure out that they're just as skint as they've ever been & have less opportunities.
Actually no...the OTHER hope is another MASSIVE financial crash. Worse than the last one. Much worse. So appallingly bad that house prices fall to a level where an average person could maybe consider that they might actually be able to buy one some day. This is IMO more likely. I hope so anyway...even if only so I can ring a bloke I know just to ask " Hey Bob, what's your ****ing house worth now then you ****? "