Gordon Brown

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'Most' people are complete and utter ****wits who shouldn't be left unsupervised

then they wouldn't commit murder or rape and and we wouldn't have to execute them, good idea Macky!
Details of the Tory-Lib Dem deal emerge. The Lib Dems have agreed to drop plans for a "mansion tax", while the Conservatives have ditched their pledge to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £1m. The new administration will scrap Labour's planned rise in National Insurance but some of the benefits will go to reducing income tax thresholds for lower earners.
I'm sorry, but that's absolutely NOT what PR is about, and is why what the Lib Dems are doing is wrong.

If there needs to be a smaller party that holds the balance of power, they should join forces with the party they most agree with, that's more democratic than joining up with a party most of your supporters would have had as their third choice.

The majority of votes went to left/centre left parties, so if that's what the people want, that's what they should be given.

It wouldn't have mattered if they'd have joined forced with Labour - it wouldn't have worked. The Scots/Welsh/Irish would have held England to ransom to make sure their funding wasn't cut, otherwise they would vote against the government and effectively force an election.

The Lid Dems did the only thing they could do, and they did what is in the best interests of the country.
They could have done nothing, and allowed the tories to form a minority government.
At least then they'd have come out of this with some dignity, rather than looking like a party that will go against their principles at the first sniff of power.

Had they done that the government would have failed to properly govern with every vote being a huge struggle. Given the national debt and a struggling economy that wouldn't have been good for anyone.

What they've done is allow this country to be effectively governed. That is a necessary 'evil' in these times.
Had they done that the government would have failed to properly govern with every vote being a huge struggle. Given the national debt and a struggling economy that wouldn't have been good for anyone.

What they've done is allow this country to be effectively governed. That is a necessary 'evil' in these times.

Bollocks, Clegg has got a parliament job and he'd shit on any of the principles he claimed to have to get there. He attempted to bed either party just to be safe, the slag has duped his voters to get what is best for him
I think Clegg has done the right thing. If he sticks and fights for as many policies that he first suggested then he has done well.

There will be a "significant acceleration" of efforts to reduce the budget deficit - including £6bn of spending reductions this year. An emergency Budget will take place within 50 days
Plans for five-year, fixed-term parliaments, meaning the next election would not take place until May 2015
The Lib Dems have agreed to drop plans for a "mansion tax" on properties costing more than £2m, while the Conservatives have ditched their pledge to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £1m
The new administration will scrap part of Labour's planned rise in National Insurance and will work towards raising income tax thresholds for lower earners
A pledge to have a referendum on any further transfer of powers to the EU and a commitment from the Lib Dems not to adopt the euro for the lifetime of the next Parliament
The Lib Dems have agreed to Tory proposals for a cap on non-EU migration
The Conservatives will recognise marriage in the tax system, but Lib Dems will abstain in Commons vote
The Lib Dems will drop opposition to a replacement for Britain's Trident nuclear missiles but the programme will be scrutinised for value for money
There will be a referendum on moving to the Alternative Vote system and enhanced "pupil premium" for deprived children as Lib Dems demanded

its not just clegg that allowed this he needed to get 3/4 of his MPs to agree. It seems more tories are unhappy with the deal than lib dem
I think Clegg has done the right thing. If he sticks and fights for as many policies that he first suggested then he has done well.

There will be a "significant acceleration" of efforts to reduce the budget deficit - including £6bn of spending reductions this year. An emergency Budget will take place within 50 days
Plans for five-year, fixed-term parliaments, meaning the next election would not take place until May 2015
The Lib Dems have agreed to drop plans for a "mansion tax" on properties costing more than £2m, while the Conservatives have ditched their pledge to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £1m
The new administration will scrap part of Labour's planned rise in National Insurance and will work towards raising income tax thresholds for lower earners
A pledge to have a referendum on any further transfer of powers to the EU and a commitment from the Lib Dems not to adopt the euro for the lifetime of the next Parliament
The Lib Dems have agreed to Tory proposals for a cap on non-EU migration
The Conservatives will recognise marriage in the tax system, but Lib Dems will abstain in Commons vote
The Lib Dems will drop opposition to a replacement for Britain's Trident nuclear missiles but the programme will be scrutinised for value for money
There will be a referendum on moving to the Alternative Vote system and enhanced "pupil premium" for deprived children as Lib Dems demanded

its not just clegg that allowed this he needed to get 3/4 of his MPs to agree. It seems more tories are unhappy with the deal than lib dem

He has now got a cushy job though, it will be interesting how easily he moves even closer to the Tory way of thinking in order to keep himself in office. Even if he does campaign for what he wants in future, its not like he'll have much influence on Conservative thinking
He has now got a cushy job though, it will be interesting how easily he moves even closer to the Tory way of thinking in order to keep himself in office. Even if he does campaign for what he wants in future, its not like he'll have much influence on Conservative thinking

yes he has got a cushy one he would have got who ever he joined with.

only time will tell what is going to happen.

I voted Lib Dem and am happy with the decision.
i actually quite like the mash up of policies they've come up with

now to let the Tories do what they do best, slash spending on hospitals, schools and benefits
So the problem appears to be that Clegg has got into power and then changed his policies? Surely all PMs do that?
So the problem appears to be that Clegg has got into power and then changed his policies? Surely all PMs do that?

it's nice to see how quickly the two parties forgot about how passionate they were about their individual views.
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