Half time entertainment.

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Bobby Smith said:
A few ideas:-

'Ancient English Traditions' with Micky Adams: Week 1 Morris Dancing and 'Bumming of the Scowcroft'

'Half-time Drunken Bullseye' Presented by Ian Marshall

'15 Minute Celebrity Love Island' with Paul Dickov

'Great City Managers' Week 1 recreating the Peter Taylor era by burning £23M in the centre circle.

'Golden Shot' with Trevor Benjamin

'Injury Time' with Lee Morris, an update on injured players and their rehabilitation

Mark McGhee reads segments from his Autobiography including the chapter 'Waking the Sleeping Giant'

Smashing stuff :icon_lol:

I am taking that list with me.
Bobby Smith said:
A few ideas:-

'Ancient English Traditions' with Micky Adams: Week 1 Morris Dancing and 'Bumming of the Scowcroft'

'Half-time Drunken Bullseye' Presented by Ian Marshall

'15 Minute Celebrity Love Island' with Paul Dickov

'Great City Managers' Week 1 recreating the Peter Taylor era by burning £23M in the centre circle.

'Golden Shot' with Trevor Benjamin

'Injury Time' with Lee Morris, an update on injured players and their rehabilitation

Mark McGhee reads segments from his Autobiography including the chapter 'Waking the Sleeping Giant'

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_bigg :icon_bigg :icon_wink
DurhamFox said:
Smashing stuff :icon_lol:

I am taking that list with me.

Ay I've got them copyrighted. Can you tell Tim Davies they are £5 a piece?
step said:
As we all hurry down to the stadium, you can feel the buzz from the fans, everyone is chatting, young kids are so excited about the match they can’t shut up. The turnstile ejects us into the noise of the bars which are bustling with people clamouring for a beer or tea, every of is happy, nervous kids queue impatiently for their sweets and pop. I have been looking forward to this match all week and the anticipation has just increased dramatically, and then up the steps into the stadium, a brilliant stadium, always good to see thousands of people that feels the same as me. I drink my tea; I smoke a cig as I point out to my son the players warming up. Then it starts.

That slow, Gradual, Invisible mist of depression creeps its way over me. Looking around and people have stopped talking, their smiles have gone and immediately I know that the mist is engulfing the fans, I see my son sinking, For my sons sake, I try to fight it, I can’t let it get to him. I force myself to chat and joke with him. I must keep him smiling. Then as quick as it started the mist clears.

Slowly at first and quietly people start to talk again and their frowns disappear and the smiles return. But somehow it isn’t the same; the mist has left its mark, those that have been here the longest have been attacked so many time that the depression is easy to spot and even if we win some will not smile or cheer.

Three minutes later and the wave comes again, I curse myself for coming so early. But just like I hope we will win, I hope the depression mist won’t be too bad. Inevitable it is. The second attack is bad, and it takes me down. Again I fight it, I stand up, I light another cig. This time the mist lingers on and on, I look around, some people are beyond help and they don’t even realise what has happened, they are so low, so down, so glum and depressed that I wonder if there if there is some justification for euthanasia. I promising myself that next time I will not enter the stadium until the match is about to start.

I remember when it was fun to go to football and I want that back, after all this isn’t what football is about, and I feel so guilty that again I have put my son through this ordeal, I felt good when I came in. My son did, it’s a nice sunny day and I know we are going to win but, never the less. I feel like I am at a funeral. So Durham if you have any influence over thing that happen at city.

Change the fcuking Music

:icon_lol: Brilliant post. Agree! The music is crap!

On a somber note I bet Mrs Step wasn't all too pleased either!
Get rid of Henry I think - he has brought us nothing but bad luck since he started "playing".... I want the recorded version back please!

Also, no more Republica - that song is sooooo old now.... to be replaced by something like the oasis record on the sky sports footie commercial possibly?
The obvious choice of music would be something by Kasabian.
I don't mind Henry but we only need him once per game.
My main gripe is the embarrasing announcer, well over the top.
Cate Fox said:
Also, no more Republica - that song is sooooo old now.... to be replaced by something like the oasis record on the sky sports footie commercial possibly?

from the rooftop, shout it out

hey, that's traditional that
If they have to play music at all, the simple answer is to VARY the music.

They play the same old songs every chuffing week in the same order, it drives me mad. I would be very happy to put together a list of 50 songs that they could rotate throughout the season that would cater to the general populus (not just the esoteric crap I like).

Could we also have a ritual burning on the pitch of:

Simply The Best
Ready To Go
We Will Rock You
Let Me Entertain You
Rockin' All Over The World
Ox Fox said:
If they have to play music at all, the simple answer is to VARY the music.

They play the same old songs every chuffing week in the same order, it drives me mad. I would be very happy to put together a list of 50 songs that they could rotate throughout the season that would cater to the general populus (not just the esoteric crap I like).

Could we also have a ritual burning on the pitch of:

Simply The Best
Ready To Go
We Will Rock You
Let Me Entertain You
Rockin' All Over The World

When we carried out a survey 2 seasons ago Ready To Go was the most popular choice (as it had been dropped at that time).

Tastes could have changed in 2 years, but this is the first thread of negative comment we have seen on this particular track.

We Will Rock You/Rocking All Over The World - think the majority would agree from previous feedback
Foxes_Trust said:
When we carried out a survey 2 seasons ago Ready To Go was the most popular choice (as it had been dropped at that time).

Tastes could have changed in 2 years, but this is the first thread of negative comment we have seen on this particular track.

We Will Rock You/Rocking All Over The World - think the majority would agree from previous feedback

Fair enough if it's what the people want give it to them, but does it have to be every single game in the same sequence. It just gets predictable, boring and annoying.

Variety is the spice of life as they say.
Ox Fox said:
Fair enough if it's what the people want give it to them, but does it have to be every single game in the same sequence. It just gets predictable, boring and annoying.

Variety is the spice of life as they say.

Actually in the survey we carried out over this summer, we asked that exact question - same songs or variety each game - also asked uptempo & singalong.

Not got the results at work, so will post them on this thread after the Inter game or tomorrow night
Keep Henry, once tell him do it once at the start of the game. The 15 minutes before was good because its signalled when you should of lefted the pub.

If you take away Henry, Ill boycott the club with King Bernie.
I actually do like Carmena Bharma (Spelling?) at the beginning and if we actually started to play well at home it would add to the atmosphere IMO
Ox Fox said:
If they have to play music at all, the simple answer is to VARY the music.

They play the same old songs every chuffing week in the same order, it drives me mad. I would be very happy to put together a list of 50 songs that they could rotate throughout the season that would cater to the general populus (not just the esoteric crap I like).

Feck em Ox...Give them 'Dalliance' over and over again for 20 minutes
that classical music track they always play is pointless as they always turn it down as soon as it gets to the loud part :icon_eek:
Hazzman said:
If you take away Henry, Ill boycott the club with King Bernie.

I hope the two of you will be very happy together. :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
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3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00