Half time entertainment.

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How's about this for a brand new idea.

What if we have the birch come out with a bunch of folks to take penalties. And one of them comes up and performs some sort of crazy run up and misses by a mile. Oh... wait a minute...
I may not make it the Walkers as much as I'd like, but I like the post horn gallop at the start as long as it isn't talked over - the announcer is a twat!

Half time is a bit weird, it's crap everywhere to be honest. I do like the Birch though - where else do you get a 1970's caberet/comedy act at half time?! Anyway, i liked what i saw at Southend - 20 or so scantily clad young ladies - only prob was that they were in the middle. I suggest a four troop thing - with a set of girls for each stand?
Nice one Lazzy, now your talking. Perhaps a few extra ones for the South Stand.
Nice one Lazzy, now your talking. Perhaps a few extra ones for the South Stand.

i'd say good idea :) but i'm not sure if i'm in the south stand this season, don't even know where my seats are ffs.
I still think my idea of booting penalties high and wide is a killer. I just can't seem to remember where I've seen it before ...anyone??? :icon_lol:
SJN-Fox, pens is just not a good idea when you're too busy gawping at the scantily dressed ladies - ppl will be snakced in the face!! Unless.....they could put up some nets to catch all the excessively wide and high pens?

With pens, Birch and girls - who wouldn't be happy?

i would be happy to put up £50,000 for the first person to hit the bar from the halfway line. the age limit would be under 8's :icon_wink
Had to bring this thread back, i want the old post horn gallop recorded version back!!!

couldn't agree more - the new one sounds like some pimply faced 14 year old dj wannabe sat there thinking "if i mix this post horn thingy in with the birdie song - i'll sell shed loads of white labels - sick man innit (insert other random chav sayings)"

whats worse is that some fecking retard at the club (probably TNBD) thought it sounded good and more than likely paid said pimply faced tosser an extortionate amount to make the turgid pile of crap.
penis is just not a good idea when you're too busy gawping at the scantily dressed ladies - ppl will be snakced in the face!! Unless.....they could put up some nets to catch all the excessively wide and high penis?

With penis, Birch and girls - who wouldn't be happy?


Bound to be someone
couldn't agree more - the new one sounds like some pimply faced 14 year old dj wannabe sat there thinking "if i mix this post horn thingy in with the birdie song - i'll sell shed loads of white labels - sick man innit (insert other random chav sayings)"

whats worse is that some fecking retard at the club (probably TNBD) thought it sounded good and more than likely paid said pimply faced tosser an extortionate amount to make the turgid pile of crap.

The new PHG is from a Hooked on Classics record released in the eighties :icon_roll
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