We have a similar problem here, the wife bought a pair of boots from New Look and after wearing them one day to work (in a school) during the summer they were worn all over and the surface had peeled back. We took them into the store where the snotty 16 year old "general manager" called us a liar when we said she had only worn them to and from her car and in school for one day. We took them back 6 days after purchase and she said "well, you might have worn them every day for those 6 days for all I know", at which point I snapped and said rather loudly "so you accept that the shoes being ruined is acceptable wear after 6 days use?". Daft cow didn't know what to say but refused a refund and instead insisted they get sent to head office for analysis. Today we got them back with a letter saying it wasn't a manufacturer's fault and was acceptable wear. Expect a blog entry slamming them soon and I shall email a link to their head office naming names. Extremely poor customer service, New Look is off our shopping list.