How Are People Feeling Today?

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Wow, lots of stuff going on since I was last in here. Congrats/commiserations to everyone. Fantastic news SJN! :038: Brought a little tear to my eye, that did. A very manly one, of course...

My year has been a bit up and down - great trip to Ecuador in March, wife breaks her ankle in April, three months of nightmarish rehab, and in August we end up getting divorced. Shortly after that, one of our cats gets ripped limb from limb by three escaped pit bulls. And now I'm living in a little rental house with just a 13 stone dog for company. So, looking back, actually more down than up... :icon_sad:

But... the opportunity of a lifetime (for me - some of you would think it was stupid) has suddenly arisen at pretty much the perfect moment, and, if all goes well, I might be ending the year on an incredible high with a potentially life changing new house, town and career. Can't say any more about it, but if it does come off, have no doubt that I'll be keeping you all fully updated! :icon_cool :icon_roll

On the other hand, I'm now so excited about it that if I don't get the gig, it will be the final sting in the tail of what has been a pretty shitty year for me.

Either way, at least it's not dull, and I could be living the dream (or swinging from a bridge*) by the end of the month... so keep your fingers crossed for me... :icon_bigg

* not really, of course.
Fantastic news SJN! :038: Brought a little tear to my eye, that did. A very manly one, of course.

Cheers Dessie.

in August we end up getting divorced. And now I'm living in a little rental house with just a 13 stone dog for company.

I lived in a small house with a 10 stone dog ... and then divorced (her) :icon_lol:

But... the opportunity of a lifetime has suddenly arisen at pretty much the perfect moment ... so keep your fingers crossed for me... :icon_bigg

Will do :023:
Very proud to be a LCFC supporter.

Nothing to do with events anywhere near a pitch, but people going beyond the call of duty, doing things that will never get reported.

Wow, lots of stuff going on since I was last in here. Congrats/commiserations to everyone. Fantastic news SJN! :038: Brought a little tear to my eye, that did. A very manly one, of course...

My year has been a bit up and down - great trip to Ecuador in March, wife breaks her ankle in April, three months of nightmarish rehab, and in August we end up getting divorced. Shortly after that, one of our cats gets ripped limb from limb by three escaped pit bulls. And now I'm living in a little rental house with just a 13 stone dog for company. So, looking back, actually more down than up... :icon_sad:

But... the opportunity of a lifetime (for me - some of you would think it was stupid) has suddenly arisen at pretty much the perfect moment, and, if all goes well, I might be ending the year on an incredible high with a potentially life changing new house, town and career. Can't say any more about it, but if it does come off, have no doubt that I'll be keeping you all fully updated! :icon_cool :icon_roll

On the other hand, I'm now so excited about it that if I don't get the gig, it will be the final sting in the tail of what has been a pretty shitty year for me.

Either way, at least it's not dull, and I could be living the dream (or swinging from a bridge*) by the end of the month... so keep your fingers crossed for me... :icon_bigg

* not really, of course.

I hope everything works out and you get that new gig Dessie.:)

Just realised that I've said exactly the same thing as Cate but the sentiment still stands.
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Very proud to be a LCFC supporter.

Nothing to do with events anywhere near a pitch, but people going beyond the call of duty, doing things that will never get reported.


Something that could be mentioned on here though?

We only really hear about the negative things so something positive will make a difference.
Thanks everyone! :)

I hope to find out more on Monday - it could hear today... or a decision might not be made until next year, I just don't know.

But I'll bore you all to tears if it does happen! :icon_bigg
A little sad. I'm posting from the departure lounge at Melbourne airport. Had a great time in Victoria and sorry to be leaving. Farewell to the great people and the koalas, wallabies, rainbow lorrikeets, pelicans, kookaburras, cape barren geese, little penguins, superb fairy wrens, masked lapwings, red wattlebirds, Australian white ibises, New Holland honeyeaters, crimson correllas, swamphens, white-necked herons, hoary-necked grebes, musk ducks, pied cormorants, wedge-tailed eagles...and many more. :icon_cry:
A little sad. I'm posting from the departure lounge at Melbourne airport. Had a great time in Victoria and sorry to be leaving. Farewell to the great people and the koalas, wallabies, rainbow lorrikeets, pelicans, kookaburras, cape barren geese, little penguins, superb fairy wrens, masked lapwings, red wattlebirds, Australian white ibises, New Holland honeyeaters, crimson correllas, swamphens, white-necked herons, hoary-necked grebes, musk ducks, pied cormorants, wedge-tailed eagles...and many more. :icon_cry:

Seems like you ate well out there.
Bet I'm worse than you!

I am out soon looking for a small person to kick the **** out of!

Im going into Leicester in a min, so I'll have plenty of ****s to take my pick from.
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