How Are People Feeling Today?

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In a proper ****ing stress at the minute. Found out two of the people I was meant to be living with next year no longer want to rent the house that we've paid a deposit on. I've got more work than you could shake a stick at (seriously struggling to find any useable examples of rural and land use conflicts in Leicetershire), I badly need a job but no one in Southwell seems to want my services. And to top it all off I foolishly allowed my girlfriend to order us tickets to Oxygen festival in Ireland this summer, so thats another £300/400 I really can't afford to lose.

****s sake.
In a proper ****ing stress at the minute. Found out two of the people I was meant to be living with next year no longer want to rent the house that we've paid a deposit on. I've got more work than you could shake a stick at (seriously struggling to find any useable examples of rural and land use conflicts in Leicetershire), I badly need a job but no one in Southwell seems to want my services. And to top it all off I foolishly allowed my girlfriend to order us tickets to Oxygen festival in Ireland this summer, so thats another £300/400 I really can't afford to lose.

****s sake.

Inform her you're a male prostitute and you're going to retrospectively charge her.
I'd never last twenty minutes these days

Make it five - and that includes a nice cup of tea and a cigarette afterwards

I'll throw in a cuddle for £30.
Disciplinary committee meetings aren't much fun I've decided.

Have you been a naughty girl? :icon_wink

I had fire extinguisher training today where we got to put out fires with different types of extinguishers. I suspect that was more fun than your committee meeting.
Have you been a naughty girl? :icon_wink

I had fire extinguisher training today where we got to put out fires with different types of extinguishers. I suspect that was more fun than your committee meeting.
I was under the impression that modern safety thinking meant the use of fire extinguishers by anyone other than the fire brigade was to be discouraged.
We've had all ours removed and told in the event of a fire, get out.
Are you qualified to decide what fires are safe to fight?
I was under the impression that modern safety thinking meant the use of fire extinguishers by anyone other than the fire brigade was to be discouraged.
We've had all ours removed and told in the event of a fire, get out.
Are you qualified to decide what fires are safe to fight?

Modern safety thinking means kids can't play conkers in the playground.

Modern safety thinking means you can't get off a bus when it's stopped at the traffic lights that are nearer to your office than the bus stop.

Modern safety thinking means that nobody can stand up to watch football.

Would you really want to watch a building burn while the fire brigade fight their way through the traffic when timely action could see the amount of damage minimised?
Modern safety thinking means kids can't play conkers in the playground.

Modern safety thinking means you can't get off a bus when it's stopped at the traffic lights that are nearer to your office than the bus stop.

Modern safety thinking means that nobody can stand up to watch football.

Would you really want to watch a building burn while the fire brigade fight their way through the traffic when timely action could see the amount of damage minimised?

This is a myth.
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3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00