I wonder if anybody is the slightest bit interested whether it is Grayson or not!

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Re: It IS Grayson !

I understand the current situation to be this: MM has told Grayson the job is his. The 2 clubs have agreed compensation. However MM has also told Grayson that he'd like Burrows to stay, which Grayson is not too pleased about. Unless this can be resolved the deal will be off.

How feckin' ridiculous can you get ??

We couldn't become more of a complete joke if we tried :icon_lol:
Re: It IS Grayson !

I understand the current situation to be this: MM has told Grayson the job is his. The 2 clubs have agreed compensation. However MM has also told Grayson that he'd like Burrows to stay, which Grayson is not too pleased about. Unless this can be resolved the deal will be off.

is there a plan b...or c...:102::icon_bigg
Re: It IS Grayson !

BTw The Mirror reported today that MM wants Dowie and his willing to pay the Compensation package and hopes to speak to him this week.The other two people MM wants if he fails with Dowie are Holloway or Peter Reid.Also we are set to sign Neil Danns and Damien Johnson on loan.
Re: It IS Grayson !

i would because he got his team promoted from this league to the premiership and not from league 1 to championship

But he had money to spend, and he inherited a team that was already good enough for this league. Grayson has had bugger all to spend and inherited a team that was in danger of going down to the 4th division. In terms of their achievements, given the resources available to them, they did similar jobs.
Face the facts that we're unlikely to get a good current manager with a record of success in this division. We'll either get someone past it, like Reid, or someone up and coming, like Grayson. I'd rather risk someone like Grayson than get someone like Reid who I'm sure will be crap.
Re: It IS Grayson !

I understand the current situation to be this: MM has told Grayson the job is his. The 2 clubs have agreed compensation. However MM has also told Grayson that he'd like Burrows to stay, which Grayson is not too pleased about. Unless this can be resolved the deal will be off.

I am sure that if MM believes Grayson is the right man for the job and Grayson is so keen to come here then the small detail of an assistant who has been here for little more than a few weeks will not stop the deal going through. Grayson will be at the game tonight, Burrows will be in charge tonight and IMO will then be told thanks but there is the door.
Re: It IS Grayson !

But he had money to spend, and he inherited a team that was already good enough for this league. Grayson has had bugger all to spend and inherited a team that was in danger of going down to the 4th division. In terms of their achievements, given the resources available to them, they did similar jobs.
Face the facts that we're unlikely to get a good current manager with a record of success in this division. We'll either get someone past it, like Reid, or someone up and coming, like Grayson. I'd rather risk someone like Grayson than get someone like Reid who I'm sure will be crap.

A men to that
Re: It IS Grayson !

I am sure that if MM believes Grayson is the right man for the job and Grayson is so keen to come here then the small detail of an assistant who has been here for little more than a few weeks will not stop the deal going through. Grayson will be at the game tonight, Burrows will be in charge tonight and IMO will then be told thanks but there is the door.

Or, alternatively "Feck off 'tache-face"
Re: It IS Grayson !

From Chavtalk..........

Has this Grayson story been certified by Newton Fox?
He always seems to know the crack..

Re: It IS Grayson !

I didn't want Megson, but I didn't boo him or the team. I'll do the same if Reid comes.

To be fair to Jeff he didn't boo Megson, but he did get him with a bike pump filled full of piss.
Re: It IS Grayson !

I understand the current situation to be this: MM has told Grayson the job is his. The 2 clubs have agreed compensation. However MM has also told Grayson that he'd like Burrows to stay, which Grayson is not too pleased about. Unless this can be resolved the deal will be off.

I would say that is not quite right, because if MM wanted Burrows to stay this would have been made clear in the initial interview. Also Grayson would be aware that petty arguments or stances of ground against MM there will only be one winner.
This may be Graysons only chance of trying his luck with a bigger club.
Re: It IS Grayson !

To be fair to Jeff he didn't boo Megson, but he did get him with a bike pump filled full of piss.

Wasn't a bike pump.

Re: It IS Grayson !

When can we start the Grayson out thread?

Do we really have to wait for his appointment to be made first?
Re: It IS Grayson !

When can we start the Grayson out thread?

Do we really have to wait for his appointment to be made first?

Larry Mourinho

Larry Mourinho
Re: It IS Grayson !

When can we start the Grayson out thread?

Do we really have to wait for his appointment to be made first?

Give it three matches and it will be ''Its ok playing nice,attractive football but we aren't getting the results and are in the Relegation Zone''
Re: It IS Grayson !

I may have missed all this, as I can't be arsed to read through all the manager-related shite posted over the past couple of days, but does this development mean that Jewell has told MM to feck off ?
Re: It IS Grayson !

I may have missed all this, as I can't be arsed to read through all the manager-related shite posted over the past couple of days, but does this development mean that Jewell has told MM to feck off ?

According to the Mirror.....Jewell didn't want to speak to Mandaric,i.e he had no interest in the job whatsoever:102:
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