If you were God..............

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The only time religion bothers me is when it's thrust in my face. Like callers coming to your door or when someone is preaching on tv about how their religion is great bla bla bla or when it is used as justification for something that someone has done or justification for excessive special treatment.

Other than that, i don't have a problem with religion or religious people. We all have our beliefs (or lack of) and are quite right to have them.

If we all left each other alone and certain religions stopped trying to preach to (or take over) the world, we'd all be much more understanding.
That is the best term I have come across for it... am with you on that :icon_bigg

I might move on & become a recovering alcoholic as well one day, but let's deal with these things one at a time.
Strange Macky. Some of your references to God are deferential and use a capital 'H' and others lower case.

I think this means you are struggling to come to terms with your own spirituality.:icon_wink


**** him, he's a complete & utter ****.
Have a read of the Bible & see some of the things that he's supposed to have done, the man's a ****ing lunatic.
A tad peeved? I hope He's bursting a vein with anger, it might make him sit down & reflect on His shortcomings.
I have read the Bible. I know He was harsh on disobedience but you can't have order without some kind of supreme authority. If you were God how would you stop people from committing murder and rape, among other things.

What is hypocritical about it???
If any religion is going to make outrageous claims & dictate to people on how they should live their life then it has to be prepared to stand up to some scrutiny.

If you're going to make claims that God doesn't exist you should be willing to stand up to scrutiny too. It's hypocritical because you are intolerant of other people's beliefs and yet want to peddle your own non-belief seemingly without anyone questioning it.

I'm not poking fun at anybody & I respect everybody's right to believe whatever they wish but that doesn't mean it isn't open for discussion.

Good I'm glad you want to discuss it.

If you were to make the claim that all atheists are delusional I imagine they would be delighted at the opportunity to prove you wrong.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

Don't bother your arse offering me forgiveness God, I know exactly what I'm doing.

Sorry I won't do it again. :tumbleweed:
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If you're going to make claims that God doesn't exist you should be willing to stand up to scrutiny too

we are...

go ahead


statement: there is no "God" as in one from the Judeo-Christian story books. the world was not created in six days
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[QUOTE=Darth Vodka;570458]boo hoo, they're offended, who gives a shit?
if they're right, i'll rot in hell

How magnanimous of you.

of course he would be... but he doesn't exist :102:

In your opinion.

indeed it is, well spotted :icon_roll

Well I'm not an idiot, I just happen to think you're wrong.

it's not a mental illness, just a human trait with an aversion to reason, like reading your horoscope or having lucky socks

Again this is only your viewpoint.

really? the BNP's beliefs? Hitler's? Stalin's George Bush's? how very tolerant of you not to question anybody's views

I'm tolerant to a point. Obviously I'm not going to agree with terrorism. But I have no problems with mainstream Muslims.

that's funny cos i condsider it the freedom of speech and the bedrock of democracy

Then you won't mind if it's done to you?

feel free. instead of bleating about respect, why don't you join in the argument? try and slate my non belief

I already have joined in the "discussion". And I'm NOT bleating just making my contribution.

and atheiem is not a belief, it's the lack of belief

The word is atheism and I'm fully aware of its meaning, and I know how to spell it.

I've put your words in bold because I can't seem to edit this any other way.

You haven't quite got the hang of quotes yet have you? :icon_wink

I have read the Bible. I know He was harsh on disobedience but you can't have order without some kind of supreme authority. If you were God how would you stop people from committing murder and rape, among other things.

What a bizarre thing to say, you need a deity to keep order???
What happened then, why has he made such a balls of keeping order.

If I was God I would make peoples bollocks drop off if they committed rape or murder. I'd be omnipotent after all, so I can do what ever I want.

What I wouldn't have done is write a book that condones rape, murder, slavery, incest, homophobia, among other things.

If you're going to make claims that God doesn't exist you should be willing to stand up to scrutiny too. It's hypocritical because you are intolerant of other people's beliefs and yet want to peddle your own non-belief seemingly without anyone questioning it.

I'm quite willing to stand up to scrutiny, scrutinise away.
I am not at all intolerant of anybodys belief, as I have stated several times, and I have never once indicated that nobody should question me or my 'peddling'.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I'm not an atheist so it isn't really my place but I'm quite willing to take up the challenge once you've stated your reasoning behind contending that atheists are delusional & mentally ill.

Sorry I won't do it again.

Do what again?
You say there is no god Mr Vodka, and that the world wasn't created in 6 days. That's fine, it's your belief and there's no point in me trying to convince you that you're wrong. You say you're right I say I am. What's the point. It's like the Monty Python sketch, "This isn't an argument it's just contradiction".

As we are dealing with matters of spirituality and faith there is no petrie dish and bunsen burner scientific approach that would settle the issue.

I don't want to be bashing anyone with a bible because I used to hate that myself. But I truly believe that if you really seek God you will find him.

However if you wish to continue as an atheist that's your prerogative also. We all have choices to make in this world and I guess we live or die by them in the end. A terrorist makes a choice to blow himself and hundreds of others up and other Muslims suffer retribution as a consequence. A catholic priest makes a choice to molest the altar boy and mainstream Christianity suffers.

It's all a question of choices in the end. But at least we have the freedom to make those choices. :tumbleweed:
You haven't quite got the hang of quotes yet have you? :icon_wink

What a bizarre thing to say, you need a deity to keep order???
What happened then, why has he made such a balls of keeping order.

If I was God I would make peoples bollocks drop off if they committed rape or murder. I'd be omnipotent after all, so I can do what ever I want.

What I wouldn't have done is write a book that condones rape, murder, slavery, incest, homophobia, among other things.

I'm quite willing to stand up to scrutiny, scrutinise away.
I am not at all intolerant of anybodys belief, as I have stated several times, and I have never once indicated that nobody should question me or my 'peddling'.

I'm not an atheist so it isn't really my place but I'm quite willing to take up the challenge once you've stated your reasoning behind contending that atheists are delusional & mentally ill.

Do what again?

Why do we need a God to keep order??? Our laws are based on the laws that God jotted down on those stone tablets. It's just that with so many people like you and Mr Vader saying that God doesn't exist or he shouldn't be telling us how to live our lives the church has lost much of its influence. And quite frankly I think making their balls drop off is a good idea.

The bible doesn't condone rape or murder, or incest but it doesn't approve of same sex marriages. It's not meant to be a politically correct paperback that you can take or leave. Adam and Steve are out. I don't intend to prove that atheists are delusional because how can you prove a question of spirituality?

The spirit world is largely unseen by man and if you choose to believe it doesn't exist then for you it probably won't. :icon_conf
You say there is no god Mr Vodka, and that the world wasn't created in 6 days. That's fine, it's your belief and there's no point in me trying to convince you that you're wrong

it is a belief backed by evidence and reason, yours are backed by dogma

you're right there is no point you trying to change my beliefs, not because they might not change, but that you are incapable of debating the issue

It's all a question of choices in the end. But at least we have the freedom to make those choices

funny how you were going on about restricted freedom of speech, but now praising freedom of religious choice
because of Adam & Eve?

who populated the world by having 3 sons?


If you take the whole thing in a purely literal sense, of course

But then that would be missing the whole ****ing point
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The bible doesn't condone rape or murder

i think you'll find it tells people to murder quite often actually

"And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast; they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Leviticus 20:16

there you go, she sucks off Alsatians, kill her and the Alsatian
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If you take the whole thing in a purely literal sense, of course

But then that would be missing the whole ****ing point

so which bits are supposed to be real then?

so which bits are supposed to be real then?


How the **** should I know, I didn't write the stupid ****ing thing :102:

And there are other religious texts than just the bible
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How the **** should I know, I didn't write the stupid ****ing thing :102:

And there are other religious texts than just the bible

i know, the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Why do we need a God to keep order??? Our laws are based on the laws that God jotted down on those stone tablets. It's just that with so many people like you and Mr Vader saying that God doesn't exist or he shouldn't be telling us how to live our lives the church has lost much of its influence. And quite frankly I think making their balls drop off is a good idea.

Our laws are absolutely not based on a fictional account of miraculous stone tablets, have you lost the plot?

Are you arguing that without the benefit of that fairy tale we would have no legislation and would have just descended into anarchy?

As for people daring to question doctrine & scrutinising the outrageous claims that the church makes is the reason the church has lost its influence, well I'm sorry foxin_oz, that is just laughable.

The bible doesn't condone rape or murder, or incest but it doesn't approve of same sex marriages. It's not meant to be a politically correct paperback that you can take or leave. Adam and Steve are out.

The bible absolutely does condone rape, mass murder, incest, slavery and a whole lot more odious practices.
You obviously haven't read the Bible or perhaps you just cherry-pick the parts that fit into your world view.

I don't intend to prove that atheists are delusional because how can you prove a question of spirituality?

But that wouldn't be a question of spirituality, if you can claim that atheists are delusional then that would be a question of debating your view on how you came to that conclusion.

The spirit world is largely unseen by man and if you choose to believe it doesn't exist then for you it probably won't. :icon_conf

Similarly, if you choose to believe that leprechauns are living in a tree at the bottom of your garden, then for you that will become your reality.
Doesn't make it correct though.
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