If you were God..............

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I was out doing the shopping. I didn't realise I was that full-on. I actually started life as an atheist. My entire family are atheists. And I love every one of them. I think you asked me in a previous thread if I had ever lived in Leicester and the answer is yes. I can recall watching Gordon Banks do some amazing stuff in goal at Filbert street. I moved here with the family when I was twelve. Quite a while ago. I have read the Koran (there is an English version on the net) and have been into all kinds of different spiritual beliefs at one stage or another. I used to be into astrology and tarot cards and it was an incident involving a pendulum I bought in a new age bookstore that led, ultimately, to my current belief in God. I have had numerous spiritual encounters which can't be explained by science or logic other than to say either I'm totally loony or there is more to this world than the physical realm. I've known a perfectly sane woman recount to a group of us about being raped by an evil spirit or demon if you prefer and I have known others who claim to be able to see angels (both good and bad). I've just seen too many strange things to say God doesn't exist. And therefore if he does exist (in my mind anyway) then I'd better be on his side. He's not someone to be trifled with. Anyway, enough about my life, what are your beliefs? You claim not to be an atheist and yet you've not said what you do believe in? :icon_conf

I think 90% of people who claim something along the lines of the above bold text are just attention seeking & full of shit either that or mentally unstable!
But i also believe having a complete disregard for all & anything paranormal or to do with religion is a stupid attitude to have as well!
Read into that what you will but in short i haven't made any decisions on religion or the paranormal eitherway yet & don't know if i ever will :102:
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I think 90% of people who claim something along the lines of the above bold text are just attention seeking & full of shit either that or mentally unstable!
But i also believe having a complete disregard for all & anything paranormal or to do with religion is a stupid attitude to have as well!
Read into that what you will but in short i haven't made any decisions on religion or the paranormal eitherway yet & don't know if i ever will :102:

We'd known this woman for a long time before she told us of that incident and she seemed perfectly sane to us. Mind you we were all part of a church so maybe that makes us religious nutters. :icon_conf
We'd known this woman for a long time before she told us of that incident and she seemed perfectly sane to us. Mind you we were all part of a church so maybe that makes us religious nutters. :icon_conf

I wasn't suggesting the woman in your example specifically I just think the majority of paranormal stories are either rubbish over elaborated or explainable. I don't think religious people are nutters at all i reserve the right to not have an opinion im sure of just yet :081:
I'm really pissed as itgoes, I don't care wahat ye hink, i'm going tlo bed now while I've ggot the chance to reproduce she will shag me, result. I'm eternally grateful but I try mnot to let herself get such ideas above her stationmy

My desperation is patently obvious, ****sake I hate women.

Tomorrow is another day Macky.

Hope you had a good sleep and feel suitably humble this morning :icon_wink
Tomorrow is another day Macky.

Hope you had a good sleep and feel suitably humble this morning :icon_wink

Humble??? Macky??? He was probably trying to get in touch with his spirit guide, Johnny Walker, or was it Jack Daniels??? :icon_bigg
I've just seen too many strange things to say God doesn't exist. And therefore if he does exist (in my mind anyway) then I'd better be on his side. He's not someone to be trifled with.

Have you read the bible?

The church would try to make you believe that 'god is love', but actually if the bible is correct, he's an evil bastard who thinks nothing about killing thousands of people just because he feels like it. He also thinks things like murder and slavery are acceptable, but calling him names isn't. So he's an evil bastard with a big but fragile ego.
Have you read the bible?

The church would try to make you believe that 'god is love', but actually if the bible is correct, he's an evil bastard who thinks nothing about killing thousands of people just because he feels like it. He also thinks things like murder and slavery are acceptable, but calling him names isn't. So he's an evil bastard with a big but fragile ego.

It's his upbringing - totally dysfuctional family that holy trinity.

Plus you try recociling the contradiction between being omnipotent and omnipresent.

I think we should show a little more understanding.
It's his upbringing - totally dysfuctional family that holy trinity.

Plus you try recociling the contradiction between being omnipotent and omnipresent.

I think we should show a little more understanding.
Aye, all highlighted by the fact he ****ed a munter, then denied it and got that stupid ****ing chippy to cop the responsibilty.
Aye, all highlighted by the fact he ****ed a munter, then denied it and got that stupid ****ing chippy to cop the responsibilty.

You can imagine the scene in the household can't you:

"Honey, theres something I need to tell you, I'm pregnant"
"But I wore a Durex, who else you been knobbing"
"err,it's God's child"

"**** off you slapper"
Have you read the bible?

The church would try to make you believe that 'god is love', but actually if the bible is correct, he's an evil bastard who thinks nothing about killing thousands of people just because he feels like it. He also thinks things like murder and slavery are acceptable, but calling him names isn't. So he's an evil bastard with a big but fragile ego.

It's an interesting fact that when archaeologists unearthed the ruins of Pompei they discovered written on the walls of the city in Latin the words "Sodomah et Gomorrah". Which obviously translates to Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities mentioned in the bible which were also destroyed by cataclysmic volcanic activity. :icon_conf
It's an interesting fact that when archaeologists unearthed the ruins of Pompei they discovered written on the walls of the city in Latin the words "Sodomah et Gomorrah". Which obviously translates to Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities mentioned in the bible which were also destroyed by cataclysmic volcanic activity. :icon_conf


No, they were destroyed by God because of the sins of the inhabitants of those cities.

If you don't believe that then you insult every Christian, Jew & Muslim in the world as the tales of Abraham are a central tenet of their faith.

No, they were destroyed by God because of the sins of the inhabitants of those cities.

If you don't believe that then you insult every Christian, Jew & Muslim in the world as the tales of Abraham are a central tenet of their faith.

Exactly. Food for thought isn't it? :icon_wink :tumbleweed:
Exactly. Food for thought isn't it? :icon_wink :tumbleweed:

Yes, you've demonstrated perfectly how all of those religions, & the Bible that they are based on, are fundamentally flawed.

Well done, good work.

Is this a sign that you are starting to open your eyes, and your mind?
Yes, you've demonstrated perfectly how all of those religions, & the Bible that they are based on, are fundamentally flawed.

Well done, good work.

Is this a sign that you are starting to open your eyes, and your mind?

No, the sign was there when He destroyed those cities that He wouldn't tolerate depravity and disobedience. He meant to make people open their eyes and mind. However it seems thousands of years later we are living in the modern day equivalent of those two cities and still people don't get it.

If we lived according to the ten commandments there would be no theft, no rape, no wars, no murder, no divorce, no liars, no unfaithful partners screwing us for everything they can get and no religious debate.

Don't know about you but that sounds like the kind of world I'd like to live in. :tumbleweed:
No, the sign was there when He destroyed those cities that He wouldn't tolerate depravity and disobedience. He meant to make people open their eyes and mind. However it seems thousands of years later we are living in the modern day equivalent of those two cities and still people don't get it.

If we lived according to the ten commandments there would be no theft, no rape, no wars, no murder, no divorce, no liars, no unfaithful partners screwing us for everything they can get and no religious debate.

Don't know about you but that sounds like the kind of world I'd like to live in. :tumbleweed:

Well if you believe that nonsense why did you originally state that they were destroyed by 'cataclismic volcanic activity'?

BTW, the ten commandments were Moses, Sodom & Gomorrah were Abraham, but I'm sure you knew that already as you have read the bible.
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Well if you believe that nonsense why did you originally state that they were destroyed by 'cataclismic volcanic activity'?

Come off it Macky, that God caused the volcanic activity I would've thought was taken for granted. You can be so pedantic sometimes. :icon_conf

And yes I do have a bible. Aren't I allowed to mention the Ten Commandments in the same post as Sodom & Gomorrah?
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If we lived according to the ten commandments there would be no theft, no rape, no wars, no murder, no divorce, no liars, no unfaithful partners screwing us for everything they can get and no religious debate.

If we lived by what the bible says, there would be murders all the time for the most trivial of offence. But it would be officially sanctioned murder.

For example according to the bible, if you work on a Sunday, the punishment is to be stoned to death.
Come off it Macky, that God caused the volcanic activity I would've thought was taken for granted. You can be so pedantic sometimes. :icon_conf

Of course he did f_o, of course he did.
For the record I'm pedantic all the time, I only deal with facts.

Why did he kill all of those people then if murder is a sin?
Also, why isn't he doing it on a more regular basis considering that people are far more sinful in the modern age?

Can we expect God to smite some modern cities at any time soon?
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