Melton Fox
Dancing Queen
I use to sit on the other side of the away fans. I moved away because of the wanker Leicester fans around me. They spent all game pushing their way pass me and my mrs to gesture the wanker sign at the away fans for missing a chance. They would then walk back past us to their seats.when i sat in L1 when we played burnley i saw wannaby hooligans throwing money at the away fans for no reason at all. you said dont talk about things i no nothing about, how do you no i no nothing about it
If they wasn't pushing past us they were gesturing and shouting abuse for the whole of the game across our view.
If the police had surveillance cameras the majority of our fans in that area would spend the game pulling faces and the wanker gesture at the cameras.
The majority of them are 25-40 years old and sometimes with children
There are idiots, there are trouble makers and I for one don't imagine anybody getting kicked out of our ground for no unjustifiable reason (other than mistaken identity, which is subject to human error)
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