Let me see melts,ever since ive been browsing this site the most negative poster has always been you admittedly i would agree that there has not been an awful lot to cheer recently(For the last few years in fact)but when we do perform adequately to a standard that we find acceptable you seem to disappear,but lose-god forbid,Methinks if this forum was around in the Blomfield and O Niell eras you would have had to get a life
I've been here all day my friend?
I have nothing to add to the thread, they did a job at home. I didn't comment on it as I didn't see the game and my contribution would have only been to comment on the score.
By the way, I'm sure this is the only example you can think of me not contributing. But I would like to thank you for taking such an avid interest in my posting activities. For that, I will probably remember who you are tomorrow.
I am a natural born critic, and one who sees the negatives in every situation. Throughought my professional career I have been able to see the negative aspects of something and turn them around, I'm a problem solver, it's what I do, I cure.
I don't see roses and light, I see problems and solutions and ways to improve them, I'm programmed to look for the negative. Today was a "job done" situation that I felt I didn't need to be commented on. If we won 6-0 I would have commented, congratulated and raved, if we'd lost to a team that have never won away from home this season, I would have also commented.
I made a thread a few days ago saying how my excitement was beginning to return, I note you didn't contribute to that. I put it to you my friend that you have blinkers as far as I'm concerned and you are ignorant to my positive contributions, albeit few and far between.
But again, thanks for your interest in me, it's folks like you that keep my ego in need of that much desired ego juice.