LCFC Takeover – Trust Speaks to Football League

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Personally, I don't think we do look like a buch of *****, not compared to how we would have looked had we not have had a sugar daddy, foreign or otherw*s*.
I don't agree (obviously). I'd much prefer us to be a quiet, locally owned club living within our means. Boring but with a long term future. Each to his own though.
The Foxes Trust is a ridiculous organisation and I acknowledge it is probably better ignored. Regretably it adopts poses from time to time that irritate enough to set off this sort of debate.

The reality is that it has a few score or maybe a few hundred members and this in itself disqualifies it from pretending to represent the Leicester fan base.

It also talks about its resources but these are insignificant in the context of what is needed to maintain let alone progress an ambitious medium sized football league club.

I am all for local ownership and all for community ownership which may well be viable in the case of a local non league club. But the reality these days in the case of LCFC is that people in the Leicestershire area with real money don't want to invest big time in the club - and this has presented the need and opportunity for the sort of foreign "investors" who now control Leicester City and many other football clubs. Most of them are quite likely to lose some of their money invested in football- but football clubs are part of their wider marketing strategy,social life as well as a business proposition and thats the way it is.

I would much prefer the way it was 50 or more years ago - but the structure of ownership and scale of wealth needed has changed and the idea that the Foxes Trust can have any real influence on real issues is absurd.
I would much prefer the way it was 50 or more years ago - but the structure of ownership and scale of wealth needed has changed and the idea that the Foxes Trust can have any real influence on real issues is absurd.

So you will continue to show an unhealthy hatred towards them simply for trying to keep a fans organisation within the club?

Surely with all of these unknown foreign investers, as needed as they may be, it is a good thing to have a group of fans who can talk with the club and media as an organisation who come together under one banner?

They may not have found out much more info than we already knew but at least they made the effort to try and enlighten the rest of us. Too many people sit on their arse and complain about things when they don't suit, but continue to target the people who attempt to make a difference, no matter how powerfull they may be.

You continue to say the 'Trust' has no power, maybe they don't want power, maybe they are a group of fans who simply want to know that the club they support is being ran in a legal and possitive manner, maybe for this they should be backed instead of barracked at every turn.
You've gotta hand it to them, they have no influence or power over the club yet they still battle away to stand up for their principles.

I kind of feel sorry for them but it does get annoying when they try to make people believe that they still have a chance.
Believing everything that I have been told (because I do not have access to better information), and if the City takeover is above board and it is crossing 't's' and dotting 'i's' that is holding up the deal, then the League are an absolute shower to be taking (like this sentence) so long!

It made sense in my brain! :102:
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