The kop was rocking - Lovely, I number of us did say "I want to be back in the kop now":icon_lol:
But this brings me onto the original reason of why we moved away from the kop becasue even though we could see how good it was - we were still struggling to hear what they were singing and had to wait for silence in our area of the ground to be sure of what they were singing - then we joined in with it :icon_bigg
Well done to everyone who was making a noise, when "Leicester, Leicester, Leicester" was ringing around the stadium it was brilliant
Funny how the same people who have said "It's not about who's louder etc etc" are now posting the same thing :icon_roll
P.s - I didnt put kop in "xxx" becasue I thought it was worth of the old kops name - they were brilliant - It was possibly the first time that we had outsung the away fans all season! :icon_lol: :icon_bigg
I just don't understand why we can't usually do that..takes a relegation fight for you to find your voices?