Mark Speight

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Never heard of him, and I could not care less, I have my own problems to worry about and deal with.
as much as i feel for his family!

i dont feel sorry for him, he did drugs with his wife while both worked with children on childrens TV, she died from them he felt guilty and so killed himself.
Reading this again Scarby, I'd probably go along with your actual words, but not the meaning behind them.

I too don't care, but I only don't care because it's none of my business and I never knew him. So in part I agree with you.

I think we differ on the reasons for not caring.

As for him taking his own life and acting like a coward, that's up to him, but at least he's not aware of being judged by randoms now. It's just a shame he will now never know what was just around the corner for him.
I'm shocked, my kids used to watch his show and I always quite liked him. It just shows that for all the propaganda, drugs are a fooking disaster, leave them alone.
I'm shocked, my kids used to watch his show and I always quite liked him. It just shows that for all the propaganda, drugs are a fooking disaster, leave them alone.

and alcohol is the most disastrous of all drugs
I don't understand your point.

Are you saying that anybody that has ever taken a drug deserves no sympathy?
That would be most people in society.

it would be most in society true. However anyone that takes drugs especially class A drugs knows the risks, it's his family that i really feel for - doing their son and daughter have been taken from them for a silly pointless reason, as soon as they even thought about taking the drugs they were committing sucide, as are the thousands that are taking drugs as well.

The fact they were in the public eye working with children makes it worse.

With all due respect Scarby you are talking out of your arse,you have absoloutely no idea what you are talking about and you have absolutely no idea what was happening inside this guys head when he took his own life.Its all very sad IMO.

H, it relates straight down to drug usuage. They both took class A drugs and it killed them both. I don't know know what was in his head but i bet he felt guilty about the drugs and became screwed up thats why.

However i have had a number of friends commit sucide from drugs - one friend at 16 after becoming paranoid after drinking lots just after he quit weed, thus making him paranoid. He drank to ease of the pain of another friend dieing.

Mark's case is slightly different and i'm not comparing the two, Mark didn't deserve to die, no one does really however when i think about the 1000s that made him thier role model he has thrown it back in their face.

Reading this again Scarby, I'd probably go along with your actual words, but not the meaning behind them.

I too don't care, but I only don't care because it's none of my business and I never knew him. So in part I agree with you.

I think we differ on the reasons for not caring.

As for him taking his own life and acting like a coward, that's up to him, but at least he's not aware of being judged by randoms now. It's just a shame he will now never know what was just around the corner for him.

i agree with what you're saying Melts.

I don't care because its drugs related, however i do care for his family and what they are going through.

H, it relates straight down to drug usuage. They both took class A drugs and it killed them both. I don't know know what was in his head but i bet he felt guilty about the drugs and became screwed up thats why.

He may have just felt that he coudnot go on living without the person he loved.You don't know,I don't know but I'm not the one casting assertions or making wild guesses bout why he took his own life.Tbh Scarby you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about,I have some idea.
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as soon as they even thought about taking the drugs they were committing sucide, as are the thousands that are taking drugs as well.

I have been taking lots of drugs regularly for over 20 years but I can assure you I have absolutely no suicidal tendencies.

btw, that should be "as are the millions that are taking drugs as well", not 'thousands'.

The fact they were in the public eye working with children makes it worse.

Why? I'd doubt they were encouraging any children to use drugs.
Statistics can prove anything. The fact is there are probably 10/20 times more drinkers than drug takers there are bound to be more deaths. No one is denying that drinking too much is bad for you but Christ almighty how many people have to die before people like admit that drugs are not harmless.

When the law and politics are taken out of the equation and the whole issue is moved into the health arena. :icon_wink
Statistics can prove anything. The fact is there are probably 10/20 times more drinkers than drug takers there are bound to be more deaths. No one is denying that drinking too much is bad for you but Christ almighty how many people have to die before people like admit that drugs are not harmless.

Nobody is denying that drugs are not harmless, the point is that alcohol is also a drug, a very harmful and dangerous drug.
He may have just felt that he coudnot go on living without the person he loved.You don't know,I don't know but I'm not the one casting assertions or making wild guesses bout why he took his own life.Tbh Scarby you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about,I have some idea.

you have my point H, that is what i am saying!

maybe he couldnt, why couldnt he? because the drugs killed HER! they took drugs together, im sure he did feel heart broken its because of this may have took his life! however if class A drugs weren't involved im sure they would still be alive today as its the drugs that indirectly killed them!

Bottom line is don't take drugs
I have been taking lots of drugs regularly for over 20 years but I can assure you I have absolutely no suicidal tendencies.

btw, that should be "as are the millions that are taking drugs as well", not 'thousands'. .

im not saying everyone that takes them does, but its a risk as is plently of other things such as brain damage, cancer, sickness, skil problems etc. the effects are still being investigated.

Why? I'd doubt they were encouraging any children to use drugs.

of course they weren't! however being in a position they were in it was irresponsible, not that taking dugs is ever responsible.
Bottom line is don't take drugs

Human beings always have & always will use drugs, therefore the bottom line should be, to be informed about the drug that you are using and be aware of, and respect, the potential consequences.
Its up to them at the end of the day, if they want to take drugs they will - they have to deal with any consequences that may arise.
you have my point H, that is what i am saying!

maybe he couldnt, why couldnt he? because the drugs killed HER! they took drugs together, im sure he did feel heart broken its because of this may have took his life! however if class A drugs weren't involved im sure they would still be alive today as its the drugs that indirectly killed them!

Bottom line is don't take drugs
I'm sure the reason for his heartbreak is the fact that she's died, and not the reason why she died.

Yes, she died because of the drugs, yes, I'm sure he had feelings of guilt and wastefulness, but the overriding feeling is surely heartbreak for the loss of somebody who he shared his life with.

As much as I don't condone the cowardly act of suicide, I do understand the heartbreak that could lead to somebody thinking they have no future and they will never see happiness again. But life sorts itself out, and maybe, just maybe he killed himself because of the endless comments being aimed in his direction by people who have no idea about his life or his feelings. Maybe the curtain twitchers killed him :102:
Nobody is denying that drugs are not harmless, the point is that alcohol is also a drug, a very harmful and dangerous drug.

Drugs not drink killed Mark Speight's girlfriend and aparently indirectly caused his death. Bringing drink into the argument is just a red herring.
Human beings always have & always will use drugs, therefore the bottom line should be, to be informed about the drug that you are using and be aware of, and respect, the potential consequences.

agreed! there is a high chance of consequences, many drugs are chemicals which the body rejects etc.

i have symphany for anyone that takes drugs really unless for medical reasons.

The only drug i take often is Alcohol, which i do so in small amounts as i am aware of the risks. I often drive to parties etc. so i have an excuse not to drink.

i dont take anything if i have a headache or whatever as i dont really feel the effects. I let the body do what it has to do naturally.
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