More religion bashing

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It's about toast always landing butter side down.
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

Nothing more than a bynote in the real scale of things in regards to the invasion. Russia just didn't try and justify things back then it, it did to the advantage of their nation and it's international status. It was more concerned with gaining a foot amongst the Middle East than anything to do with religion.

A similar situation to US/USA trying to free 'Iraq' of it's tyrant. Iraq and Afghanistan are extremely complicated countries in terms of religion and in fact it's enemy in the sense even factions of the Muslim faith can't agree to build a safe and secure country. But the political pointscoring by the US/USA was nothing more than a small factor to bigger gain that they would and are achieving with Oil and getting the right puppets in power.
Nothing more than a bynote in the real scale of things in regards to the invasion. Russia just didn't try and justify things back then it, it did to the advantage of their nation and it's international status. It was more concerned with gaining a foot amongst the Middle East than anything to do with religion.

A similar situation to US/USA trying to free 'Iraq' of it's tyrant. Iraq and Afghanistan are extremely complicated countries in terms of religion and in fact it's enemy in the sense even factions of the Muslim faith can't agree to build a safe and secure country. But the political pointscoring by the US/USA was nothing more than a small factor to bigger gain that they would and are achieving with Oil and getting the right puppets in power.

So to summarize religion wasn't to blame.:icon_wink
But I bet none of them do bad things in the name of atheism. Lots of people do bad things in the name of religion.

This has nothing to do with my discussion. I'm not defending Religion. I'm attacking the argument that all religious followers are ****s and whatever else Melts claimed and I'm forwarding the provable hypothesis that some religious people do good because of their religious beliefs.
There are good people and there are bad people. Religion can make good people do bad things. Atheism doesn't make good people do bad things.

Yes there are good and bad people, that was my argument. They are both religious and atheist.

Atheism doesn't make anyone do good, Religion does.
Fine, I'll join in again.

They weren't murderers because they were atheists though. They were murderers because they were dictators, cast by themselves in the role of god in an alternative religion.

That's an easy one Major. Come on.

That's irrelevant, I could just as easily say they were murderers because they weren't religious and following the doctrines of their faith.

How many Buddhist murderers can you list for me (proven that you have seen...)
I am broadly sympathetic to your post but this makes me truly grimace. Why, simply because it does not recognise the intolerance of Organised Religion and the way in which even today the Church (in all the various forms) insists on a pre-eminence that Witchcraft does not deserve. :icon_wink

Sorry Steven, If I go into that sort of detail on every post I'll never post - which could be a good thing!

again I'm not defending religion ....(see earlier post)
You think it's better to use religion as a justification for murder/genocide/rape/misogyny/racism/terrorism than to do it purely out of being naturally predisposed to evil? I'd say it's worse: as someone else said earlier, religion makes good people do bad.

Using religion as justification is not really being religious is it.

Perhaps you are confusing atheists in religious clothing.
You're assuming that people who kill in the name of religion would be killers if they weren't religious. It's the religious belief that causes people to kill.

Do you think the people responsible for 9/11 would have done that if they hadn't been brainwashed into believing they'd be rewarded with virgins if they killed non believers in the name of allah?

Do you think idiot Bush would have gone to war if 'god' hadn't told him to do it? (maybe he would, but saying god told him to made it easier for him)

Do you think the troubles in Ireland would have been so bad if people hadn't been brought up to hate catholics/protestants?

That's a ridiculous argument.

You have no idea of the truth of your statements. For all you know these people may be pre-disposed at birth to murder.

I expect Blue Maniac to be constant here and shoot down your argument.
It's about toast always landing butter side down.

It has been proven that this is simply to do with the height from which the toast is dropped.
This has nothing to do with my discussion. I'm not defending Religion. I'm attacking the argument that all religious followers are ****s and whatever else Melts claimed and I'm forwarding the provable hypothesis that some religious people do good because of their religious beliefs.

It has everything to do with it, this discussion was to compare religion to its alternative. Furthermore, Melts didn't say "all religious followers are ****s", what he in fact said was "religions is for ****s". This 'provable' hypothesis still remains unproved here.

Yes there are good and bad people, that was my argument. They are both religious and atheist.

Atheism doesn't make anyone do good, Religion does.

No, inherent goodness of people makes them do good. However, it can be demonstrated that good people can do bad things because of their religion. This is precisely the opposite of what you assert here. In fact, it could be argued that atheism does actually make people do good because they are forced to think about the consequences of their actions rather than be guided by doctrine like a blind person by their dog.

That's irrelevant, I could just as easily say they were murderers because they weren't religious and following the doctrines of their faith.

How many Buddhist murderers can you list for me (proven that you have seen...)

It's not irrelevant, it shows perfectly how some people use religion as an excuse for genocide. You're doing your argument no favours with this particular assertion.

And Buddhism is not a theistic religion, it's a philosophical disposition. True, there are some superstitious beliefs in there, but there's no creator god at the top who must be obeyed.

I'm not defending religion

I humbly suggest that you are doing exactly that.

Using religion as justification is not really being religious is it.

Perhaps you are confusing atheists in religious clothing.

That's exactly what religion is. Considering that this is the flimsiest of your statements, and it's obviously based on evidence-free guesswork, I'll not spend too much time on it.
That's a ridiculous argument.

You have no idea of the truth of your statements. For all you know these people may be pre-disposed at birth to murder.

I expect Blue Maniac to be constant here and shoot down your argument.

The stories of the Twin Towers attackers have been told thousands of times, and the fact is they, like many other foot soldiers of Islamic fundamentalism (which you will find, if you read the disgusting book known as the Koran, is the truest form of Islam) were brainwashed.

Bush is a poor choice by Jeff. He was determined to go to war in any case, as it was based on a personal vendetta, the fact that he's also a Christian lunatic is incidental.

But back in Ireland, religion was (and still is) used, in tandem with political beliefs, as justification for murder. Catholics and their church in particular have a lot to answer for on this one.

It has been proven that this is simply to do with the height from which the toast is dropped.

Why don't people carry it to the table before spreading it?
Bush is a poor choice by Jeff. He was determined to go to war in any case, as it was based on a personal vendetta, the fact that he's also a Christian lunatic is incidental.

I would like to add to this, though, that he still used God as his justification. The American president saying "God told me to do it" is the one thing certain to get any Christian onside.
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