More religion bashing

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Have you ever tried tuning into something else?
I have, but I like to listen to Sarah Kennedy slurring her way through her morning show, followed by Sir Terrence of Woganshire.
She's gonna do something 'Ross/Brand' ish before long and I want to be listening when it happens. And as soon as Wogan's voice comes on, I know it's time I was off to work.
I would like to add to this, though, that he still used God as his justification. The American president saying "God told me to do it" is the one thing certain to get any Christian onside.

You are confusing using god as a justification and being religious, they are not necessarily the same thing.

"I killed her because we were married" Following your reasoning then marriage was to blame (nothing to do with the person's pre-disposition, or mental state) and we should ban it.

I don't know why i'm bothering. I can accept that we have different views on it and live quite happily with that.
I humbly suggest that you're wrong. What FiF is doing is condemning prejudice against people who have done you no harm and quite often do a lot of good.


I'm glad that someone understands me. Shall we get married?
The stories of the Twin Towers attackers have been told thousands of times, and the fact is they, like many other foot soldiers of Islamic fundamentalism (which you will find, if you read the disgusting book known as the Koran, is the truest form of Islam) were brainwashed.

I thought we'd found out it was the Bush administration wot done it. Are they brainwashed Islamic fundamentalists then?
All officially atheist though, a point that is often swept under the carpet by people who want to believe that religion is the root of all evil.

all this Stalin was an atheist and Hitler wasn't is poor reasoning by both sides

IMO: FIF and Major are making decent points on here...Melts is trolling :)

plenty of non-****y people believe in God, including Mrs DV

is she wrong? well yes, but she's not interested in being right...not many people are, we aren't logic machines, we just want to be happy and see our children happy and if a few stories about God/Santa etc get bundled along...then so what...

the stories lead to violence on a bigger scale, but you'd need to go church for that...and most believers don't

it's a grey scale and i'm standing up for all the moderate christians who believe because their parents did and because they believe in being nice
Japanese ****
(in the name of Atheism...)

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?


ha war is declared in the non-belief of's no way no motivate the troops

"Cry there is no God for Harry, England and St George" ?

ha ha
Precisely. The 80's yobs pretended that they were fighting for team pride but we all know they just wanted to kick someone;
I humbly suggest that you're wrong. What FiF is doing is condemning prejudice against people who have done you no harm and quite often do a lot of good.

That 'a lot of good' being that they're generally nice people and don't go round murdering and raping? Quite right, a lot of religious people don't. But religion allows people to get to that stage a lot more easily. The prejudice is not against the people (although it would be naive of me to suggest that that sort of prejudice doesn't exist - it does), but against irrational belief.

"I killed her because we were married" Following your reasoning then marriage was to blame (nothing to do with the person's pre-disposition, or mental state) and we should ban it.

I have never, ever heard that used as a justification for murder. Maybe I'm reading the wrong papers.

I don't know why i'm bothering. I can accept that we have different views on it and live quite happily with that.

Are you sure? :icon_wink

I thought we'd found out it was the Bush administration wot done it. Are they brainwashed Islamic fundamentalists then?

Patently absurd comments like that are not helpful :icon_bigg

all this Stalin was an atheist and Hitler wasn't is poor reasoning by both sides

Not really, that particular fallacy is concerned with beliefs unrelated to each other. Hitler was evil precisely because of his beliefs, and they are not unrelated. Therefore your link is irrelevant and confusing :icon_conf

IMO: FIF and Major are making decent points on here...Melts is trolling :)

No they aren't. And yes he is. :icon_wink

plenty of non-****y people believe in God, including Mrs DV

That's not in doubt.

is she wrong? well yes, but she's not interested in being right...not many people are, we aren't logic machines, we just want to be happy and see our children happy and if a few stories about God/Santa etc get bundled along...then so what...

So people start believing these things as fact, and those people who take these beliefs to extremes commit the aforementioned horrors. I'm not suggesting Mrs DV is akin to a murderous African tribal leader or a Scientologist, but if she had morals which were, shall we say, less desirable, she'd have in her head a justification for indefensible acts.

it's a grey scale and i'm standing up for all the moderate christians who believe because their parents did and because they believe in being nice

What's wrong with being nice because it's the right thing to do? Why do we need a book full of nonsense to tell us that?


ha war is declared in the non-belief of's no way no motivate the troops

"Cry there is no God for Harry, England and St George" ?

ha ha

Thank you, you've demonstrated my point perfectly :icon_bigg
That's a ridiculous argument.

You have no idea of the truth of your statements. For all you know these people may be pre-disposed at birth to murder.

So do you really think all the Irish terrorists would have killed as many people if it wasn't for religion?

Do you really think so many people in the middle east would blow themselves up with the intention of taking with them as many people as possible if it wasn't for religion?

When people take the stuff in the bible and koran literally and base their life on it, it makes them do bad things. When people are indoctrinated with this belief from a young age they don't realise what they're doing is wrong, they think they're doing "god's" work.
Religion is just a business. It peddles the perfect product, life after death. It's something that almost everyone wants, has a flexible price to suit all pockets, comes with no guarantees, has a flexible delivery date and never generates any refund requests.

And like all businesses, the people at the top are compelled to put in place policies which protect their long term interests. Sales and recruitment drives, nepotism and proliferation, propaganda, loyalty schemes and corporate espionage / sabotage.
It's all there in one form or another.

Some of the businesses are prospering whilst others flounder. Islam is the Microsoft of the religious world whilst C of E is the Enron.

On a personal note, I ain't buying any of it.
I've sat at my desk at work geting **** all work done to read this debate and i still dont no what the hell this is about. i lost my train of thought around the 4th/5th post.

from this i've just realised i'm a thick twat and need a new women to immerse my time in instead of reading debates i dont understand.

but hey it wasted a good 10 mins at work so thanks a lot. better than working!
Not really, that particular fallacy is concerned with beliefs unrelated to each other. Hitler was evil precisely because of his beliefs, and they are not unrelated. Therefore your link is irrelevant and confusing :icon_conf

Hitler was evil because of his beliefs?

not his actions?

i'm sorry for your confusion...but invoking Hitler in an argument is poor reasoning

So people start believing these things as fact, and those people who take these beliefs to extremes commit the aforementioned horrors

no..that's precisely the opposite of the point i was making

a lot of people believe things as beliefs and don't care much for facts
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