N Block

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Some great vids of yesterday now on youtube! :icon_bigg
All seem to have the burberry group in them, but fair play to them they were singing and were a good laugh
can't one of the admins or mods put a poll on this thread please

saying yes or no to if your moving over
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I like your first idea matt. I will speak to Peter Jones about it but you have to think we need to make the area a sucsess before it becomes a permenant idea - That's why we need you there!

After speaking to many fans, we will be saying no to the drum :icon_wink

Yes the area does need to be made a success but with the idea of the scarfs it allows everybody to join in. For example, people with their children would like to be in that block personally but do not want to go there because their young children go,(I know your aiming it for everyone but people with children will naturally be apprehensive about taking their kids there) this then allows them to join in creating an atmosphere without having to be in a particular block and also creates an atmosphere in the whole stadium as opposed to just one block or section.

As of next season, if all goes well at Uni I will have a season ticket next year, and hopefully I'll sit wherever used to be like the old kop at Filbert Street!!
And start singing 'When Your Smiling' - that is about the only song that is remotely unique to our fans and traditional!!!

Do any other fans sing this song?

Mr mg will be singing this for sure :icon_lol:
Wants everybody to sing it at his funeral as well - along with the actions! :icon_roll
OK final idea on the scarfs. If the club do not just want to give them away, then they could perhaps give a free scarf out to people who buy a season ticket so the people who go all the time will have the same style scarf.


When the new shirt is released, give a free scarf to anyone who buys a shirt for so long. eg until the start of the season. This so that they do not constantly have to give free scarfs away and also the more 'loyal' fans who may go to games more often are the people who will purchase the shirt when it is first released.

Either way is better for the club than just giving them away as it apportions the cost onto another product so that they are getting some profit whilst giving something away.

I think that this idea of the scarfs should be given to the club or anything other than that stupid drum idea. Some people may like the idea of a drum but this is one thing that pushes me away from Block N as it would simply just do my head in, well it has at any other ground I have been to.

Here is a great idea on scarves, why the feck dont you go and buy one you tight fisted get......

Always on the lookout for a freebie.
Here is a great idea on scarves, why the feck dont you go and buy one you tight fisted get......

Always on the lookout for a freebie.

I already a have a Leicester City scarf :102:

Here is a great idea for you, why the feck don't you read my post properly......

The point is so that everyone has the same scarf and therefore looks good ;) :icon_lol:
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I already a have a Leicester City scarf :102:

Here is a great idea for you, why the feck don't you read my post properly......

The point is so that everyone has the same scarf and therefore looks good ;) :icon_lol:

and look like some fecking sychronised swimming team, get real. It would look like a bunch of twats.

Ever been to Anfield. Do they all have the same scarves?
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and look like some fecking sychronised swimming team, get real. It would look like a bunch of twats

No and look like the Newcastle fans and all the teams in Europe that do it, although I think them bunch of twats that are Juve fans do it so not so sure anymore! :icon_lol:

If we wanted to look like a sychronised swimming team we would come wearing a swimming costume, a swimming cap and one of them peg things that goes on your nose. I have never seen a sychronised swimming team waving scarfs above their heads! ;)
No but they have the same shell suits.

Matching scarves would look pap. I cant see the burberry boyz loosing their main tag either.
No and look like the Newcastle fans and all the teams in Europe that do it, although I think them bunch of twats that are Juve fans do it so not so sure anymore! :icon_lol:

If we wanted to look like a sychronised swimming team we would come wearing a swimming costume, a swimming cap and one of them peg things that goes on your nose. I have never seen a sychronised swimming team waving scarfs above their heads! ;)

you show me where they all have the same scarves........ they dont. Same colour maybe but not the same.
Ever been to Anfield. Do they all have the same scarves?

No, but all they do is hold them upside down and sing some dreary song. Yes it could work if people have different scarfs but in giving them away with season tickets or before a home game it promotes the idea of the wavey above head thing at the same time and does look better!
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you show me where they all have the same scarves........ they dont. Same colour maybe but not the same.

Your just being pedantic, read above post. The idea is the wavey thing not to all look the same, just a way of kick-starting the idea. Its not like the people at Newcastle who missed out on the free scarfs are not allowed to join in with their own scarfs.

Just trying to help the cause instead of pissing on everyones bonfire as that is the easy thing to do! :102:
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Your just being pedantic, read above post. The idea is the wavey thing not to all look the same, just a way of kick-starting the idea. Its not like the people at Newcastle who missed out on the free scarfs are not allowed to join in with their own scarfs.

Blimey, theeir stewards must have death wish. "Oy, lad, I'm evicting you for singing with an unauthorised scarf."
No, but all they do is hold them upside down and sing some dreary song. Yes it could work if people have different scarfs but in giving them away with season tickets or before a home game it promotes the idea of the wavey above head thing at the same time and does look better!

is this the same song "walk on" that we used to sing at Filbert Street with scarves held high?
Get some new specs OG!!

Changed them. Read it again

It still says that people who do not have the free scarves are not allowed to join in with their own. If that is the case, how is enforced if the stewards don't do it? A lynch mob? Snipers on the roof? Or are you turned back at the turnstile if you cannot prove your scarf was free?
Your point being.................

you were knocking the song the liverpool fans sing as being dreary.... why call it that? LCFC fans used to sing that all the while, but it went down the shitter when our fans could not afford a city scarf and the club refused to give them out free.

What happened to the free flags they gave out this season?
Changed them. Read it again

It still says that people who do not have the free scarves are not allowed to join in with their own. If that is the case, how is enforced if the stewards don't do it? A lynch mob? Snipers on the roof? Or are you turned back at the turnstile if you cannot prove your scarf was free?

It reads 'it is not like', therefore it does not happen.
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