N Block

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i rang the ticket office on friday and asked if i could change my ST to N block for the cov game, she just said come in on matchday and do it but im sure i read that this wouldnt be allowed?

i think ill just present my ST at N Blocks turnstiles and hope to get in then sit in any old seat as close to the back as possible.

how many cov fans are expected at the game?
OK final idea on the scarfs. If the club do not just want to give them away, then they could perhaps give a free scarf out to people who buy a season ticket so the people who go all the time will have the same style scarf.


When the new shirt is released, give a free scarf to anyone who buys a shirt for so long. eg until the start of the season. This so that they do not constantly have to give free scarfs away and also the more 'loyal' fans who may go to games more often are the people who will purchase the shirt when it is first released.

Either way is better for the club than just giving them away as it apportions the cost onto another product so that they are getting some profit whilst giving something away.

I think that this idea of the scarfs should be given to the club or anything other than that stupid drum idea. Some people may like the idea of a drum but this is one thing that pushes me away from Block N as it would simply just do my head in, well it has at any other ground I have been to.
And start singing 'When Your Smiling' - that is about the only song that is remotely unique to our fans and traditional!!!

Do any other fans sing this song?
And start singing 'When Your Smiling' - that is about the only song that is remotely unique to our fans and traditional!!!

Do any other fans sing this song?
I think it's fecking rubbish personally. I'd rather have a song with a tune
I think it's fecking rubbish personally. I'd rather have a song with a tune

But it is a traditional song, reminds me of the days of being in the Kop at Filbert Street. Other clubs that have traditional or unique songs are not particularly catchy or have much of a tune, two of the most famous that spring to mind certainly do not, West Ham - I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles and Liverpool - You'll Never Walk Alone. Also with our version of When Your Smiling there are the actions as well that add to it and creates more of an atmosphere. I would also suspect that if the players seen that, then it would certainly motivate them a bit.

You say you would like to have a song with a tune, which song would this be? You always seem to be one of the people to criticise or find flaws in what people are suggesting but rarely say what you do to make it better. What would encourage you to move to Block N or what would you suggest be done to encourage more people to move to Block N?
You say you would like to have a song with a tune, which song would this be? You always seem to be one of the people to criticise or find flaws in what people are suggesting but rarely say what you do to make it better. What would encourage you to move to Block N or what would you suggest be done to encourage more people to move to Block N?
I'm a critic not a writer

edit - I tell you what I also do Matt to get behind the team, you maybe should try it someday. I go to the games :icon_wink
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I'm a critic not a writer

edit - I tell you what I also do Matt to get behind the team, you maybe should try it someday. I go to the games :icon_wink

As of next year I will have my season ticket for what will be the 10th season of my life. Unfortunately but also quite luckily I have not had one for the past three seasons due to living over 100 miles away and the opportunity cost of having one and travel is my life. In other words if I spent all my loan on Leicester City I would have no money for fags, beer and drugs!

Do something creative for a change you grumpy old git!! ;) :icon_lol:
OK final idea on the scarfs. If the club do not just want to give them away, then they could perhaps give a free scarf out to people who buy a season ticket so the people who go all the time will have the same style scarf.
I think that this idea of the scarfs should be given to the club or anything other than that stupid drum idea. Some people may like the idea of a drum but this is one thing that pushes me away from Block N as it would simply just do my head in, well it has at any other ground I have been to.

I like your first idea matt. I will speak to Peter Jones about it but you have to think we need to make the area a sucsess before it becomes a permenant idea - That's why we need you there!

After speaking to many fans, we will be saying no to the drum :icon_wink
the three that come with me are 8,7and almost 5 ;)

if you stack them all ontop of each other they would make one real person.

just a thought, think about it.
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