N Block

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[*]The Block Is the most unoccupied in the stadium

I disagree. What about the posh seats (the West Stand)

[*]We want to be near/close to away fans

Why? Whats the attraction?!?

[*]The away fans can't hear the "Kop"

If you make a loud enough noise it shouldn't be a probelm. It's like me going to end of the street and then telling my brother to go the bottom of the street, as along as shout loud enough they will be some noise made.

[*]I'm sick of away fans saying we have the worst support in the league so we need to do SOMETHING about it

Why should we worried about what fellow support says. Our attendances are good enough to prove we have a decent fanbase, Derby struggle to sell out and they're top of the league. We're shite and doing alright.

[*]The away fans CANT be moved

I agree with that because of the access to the stadium.

[*]The club already proposed moving the South and North stands but it didnt get backed by the fans

Was it really told to the fans? People's comments on here seem to suggest dont. Obiviously, the club felt it was right, not telling anyone would meaning a profitable result in their favour. Probably only gave out surveys to the Library Stand. If the club wanted a 'real' answer, they have used the same methods as the 'No Smoking' debate or 'City or Fosse?'

[*]The club actually suggested using Block N before we told them that was the area we wanted

Because it means they will still be able to have the same stewards and police policing one area. If they chose a different area, it means having to pay/hire more stewards and police. Any police/stewards who are already supervising the away fans which is normally heavy will not have to move from their current position to supervise N Block.

[*]The kop is too populated already to have our own section in this area.

The corners are never populated, use the corners has a trial area till the end of the season. Then a section of the kop can be identified for the new season, the club could then offer fans dont want to move from the Kop, a space elsewhere at a slightly reduced price. The vast majority of people in the Kop do want to sing but need a catalyst, both in the form of a trying team or a singing base. Rather than sectioning themselves off, the N Block should be in an area where fans can join in being close-by. Sectioning yourself off is going to keep the noise a distant sound and if anything show us up for poor support as many away fans will arrogantly think 'that's their hardcore'.
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Because people enjoy some banter with the other set of fans, it is good fun and has always been a great part of football. Football is a regional sport and exchanging a bit of banter with them is part of the spirit of football. i really cannot believe you asked this question as a football fan.
I think that instead of a drum they should have banjos. Similarly in L1.

They could start Duelling Banjos between the two blocks, which would make the Cov fans feel completely at home.

And if it failed they could unfurl a banner of a cow's backside.
I think that instead of a drum they should have banjos. Similarly in L1.

They could start Duelling Banjos between the two blocks, which would make the Cov fans feel completely at home.

And if it failed they could unfurl a banner of a cow's backside.

to make them feel well and truely at home we could all amputate 2 fingers
Because people enjoy some banter with the other set of fans, it is good fun and has always been a great part of football. Football is a regional sport and exchanging a bit of banter with them is part of the spirit of football. i really cannot believe you asked this question as a football fan.

I was probably being overly-harsh on that point.
[*]The Block Is the most unoccupied in the stadium

I disagree. What about the posh seats (the West Stand)

[*]We want to be near/close to away fans

Why? Whats the attraction?!?

[*]The away fans can't hear the "Kop"

If you make a loud enough noise it shouldn't be a probelm. It's like me going to end of the street and then telling my brother to go the bottom of the street, as along as shout loud enough they will be some noise made.

[*]I'm sick of away fans saying we have the worst support in the league so we need to do SOMETHING about it

Why should we worried about what fellow support says. Our attendances are good enough to prove we have a decent fanbase, Derby struggle to sell out and they're top of the league. We're shite and doing alright.

[*]The away fans CANT be moved

I agree with that because of the access to the stadium.

[*]The club already proposed moving the South and North stands but it didnt get backed by the fans

Was it really told to the fans? People's comments on here seem to suggest dont. Obiviously, the club felt it was right, not telling anyone would meaning a profitable result in their favour. Probably only gave out surveys to the Library Stand. If the club wanted a 'real' answer, they have used the same methods as the 'No Smoking' debate or 'City or Fosse?'

[*]The club actually suggested using Block N before we told them that was the area we wanted

Because it means they will still be able to have the same stewards and police policing one area. If they chose a different area, it means having to pay/hire more stewards and police. Any police/stewards who are already supervising the away fans which is normally heavy will not have to move from their current position to supervise N Block.

[*]The kop is too populated already to have our own section in this area.

The corners are never populated, use the corners has a trial area till the end of the season. Then a section of the kop can be identified for the new season, the club could then offer fans dont want to move from the Kop, a space elsewhere at a slightly reduced price. The vast majority of people in the Kop do want to sing but need a catalyst, both in the form of a trying team or a singing base. Rather than sectioning themselves off, the N Block should be in an area where fans can join in being close-by. Sectioning yourself off is going to keep the noise a distant sound and if anything show us up for poor support as many away fans will arrogantly think 'that's their hardcore'.

In reply to Hazz - The club suggested N block because it was the least populated (only 30-40 season ticket holders in the block)

The attraction of being near the away fans is so that they can actually hear us and we loose our extreamly awfull reputation of having the worst fans in the league, true, we may have numbers but this makes it worse becasue we generate so little noise. As well we used to be some of the best fans in the country. I know you say you don't care about what other fans think of us but I do and I bet there are many others that do.
You CANT hear the south stand even at Villa, they couldn't hear us.

The club, from their POV, had an overwhelming amount in favour of leaving the south/north stands as they are, so they see no reason for holding a vote. Maybe if someone actually bothered to do something like we have done for our idea then the club may re-consider it. :icon_wink
When I said the south stand is to populated i mean that there are well over 100 season ticket holders in every single block there which would mean a lot more unessary fuss than if we had this are in BLOCK N.
In reply to Hazz - The club suggested N block because it was the least populated (only 30-40 season ticket holders in the block)

The attraction of being near the away fans is so that they can actually hear us and we loose our extreamly awfull reputation of having the worst fans in the league, true, we may have numbers but this makes it worse becasue we generate so little noise. As well we used to be some of the best fans in the country. I know you say you don't care about what other fans think of us but I do and I bet there are many others that do.
You CANT hear the south stand even at Villa, they couldn't hear us.

The club, from their POV, had an overwhelming amount in favour of leaving the south/north stands as they are, so they see no reason for holding a vote. Maybe if someone actually bothered to do something like we have done for our idea then the club may re-consider it. :icon_wink
When I said the south stand is to populated i mean that there are well over 100 season ticket holders in every single block there which would mean a lot more unessary fuss than if we had this are in BLOCK N.

Cheers for the reply, much appreciated in gaining you're understanding. I'd would have probably sat in the block, if I wasn't going Donny Rovers 'groundhopping'.
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Cheers for the reply, much appreciated in gaining you're understanding. I'd would have probably sat in the block, if I wasn't going Donny Rovers 'groundhopping'.

Thanks for rasing your problems!
I think that I have answered most of them and I see no reason why those that want to sing can't be happy in block and those that don't can be happy where they are.
Just a word of warning to those who are going to swap tickets.
My lot went to the ticket office yesterday and asked to swap to the singing section of N block. They asked if they could have tickets as close to the back of the stand as possible. The person dealing with them said that she thought the singing section was at the front of the block, but wasn't sure. She asked her colleague, who didn't know either. Reinforcements had to be called from the back, who confirmed that it was at the top of the stand. So, double check you do get your tickets for the right area of the stand, as it appears the staff in the ticket office aren't as clued up as they should be about this (there's a surprise :icon_roll ).

Was most concerned to be told that the very back row of the stand has been reserved for the dreaded drum - DON'T DO IT!!!!!!
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MG - We will be speaking to Peter Jones about the drum and advising that we should try it without the drum :icon_wink
I think the reserved seats are for "us" as we haven't actually got our tickets yet :icon_redf

I very much doubt that anyone will be sitting in their proper seats anyway.
Was nice to meet a few guys yesterday at Ipswich as well :icon_wink
if all gose well for this move i mite move over for the rest of the season ,after seeing reading on MOTD they had a drum all through the game and it did feel it lifted the fan into song so it may not be that bad ive seen this done in rotterdam and it dose add to the game but they dont keep hitting all game just when thing start to go a bit QT
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if all gose well for this move i mite move over for the rest of the season ,after seeing reading on MOTD they had a drum all through the game and it did feel it lifted the fan into song so it may not be that bad ive seen this done in rotterdam and it dose add to the game but they dont keep hitting all game just when thing start to go a bit QT

We need you there for the covscum game so that we, and you, can make it go well!!
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