New Manager

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Whoever it is I just hope to f*ck his initials aren't MA.

I'm only just after realising that people weren't talking about Micky Adams.
Do you think he would handle Milan or would we be back to square one in a month?

I don't think this is simply a cut and dry case of MM and MA not getting on. I think there must be more to it than that. It could be that MA was out of his depth, and the players felt this too. It could also be that whoever it is works for MM currently needs to go with him on the signing decisions MM feels intrinsic to getting us out of this league. It cannot simply just be the JFH affair IMO.
Whoever it is I just hope to f*ck his initials aren't MA.

I'm only just after realising that people weren't talking about Micky Adams.

That did my fecking head in as well.

PJ will be easier to remember,

losing sense of reality?................... i think john barber should be our new manager. He's ideal. His head is so far up MM's ar$e when MM smiles you can see Barber's sheep loving eyes just begging you to bring him a nice young lamb.

jonny barbers blue and white army
Can someone dig out Homer's list of people he'd rather have instead of Paul Ince and post it to MM? Because I think we'll be trawling the lower reaches...
I do sense some crowing from those who did not want Allen from the start. Whilst this is understanable, I think that if I were one of that number, I would wait until
i). A decent replacement is in place
ii). He has been in position for three months.

I for one will be absolutely delighted to bow to your great accuracy at that stage and give you full leave to remind me of same. I am just not as sure as you chaps that this will come about.
There is talk of problems for MON at villa.
Would he come back?
Would you want him back?
Would he finish the job this time?

He would do for me
from bbc gossip column

Leicester manager Martin O'Neill could be replaced by Brendan Rodgers, who is part of Chelsea's backroom staff. (Daily Mirror)
from bbc gossip column

Leicester manager Martin O'Neill could be replaced by Brendan Rodgers, who is part of Chelsea's backroom staff. (Daily Mirror)

Have you got a link for that?

This could be very interesting.

Martin out, then to City!!!:icon_bigg
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