Official Statement - Taylor Steps Down

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Mmm....the messages that are sent out from the board room are ones of total disarray.

I can't believe that all this doesn't stem from the club being in an even weaker financial state than everyone feared.

If ever a club needed a fresh management this is it.

All we ever hear is stuff about how many years directors have been loyal City supporters or what nice people are managing the club...and I bet they are really great when it comes to looking after the family pet etc. In the meantime the club is like a stranded whale dying on the beach.

How many more months can things continue like this before the whole thing finally implodes?

dont worry RF if it gose tits up the FT board have said they would move in and run the club for the fans :icon_roll :icon_roll :icon_lol: :icon_wink
Mmm....the messages that are sent out from the board room are ones of total disarray.

I can't believe that all this doesn't stem from the club being in an even weaker financial state than everyone feared.

If ever a club needed a fresh management this is it.

All we ever hear is stuff about how many years directors have been loyal City supporters or what nice people are managing the club...and I bet they are really great when it comes to looking after the family pet etc. In the meantime the club is like a stranded whale dying on the beach.

How many more months can things continue like this before the whole thing finally implodes?

Quality post. Some people are finding it difficult to let go. ;)
I've got an itchy Tim Davies, I think my piles might be about to play up again
....who was out of contract at the end of the season, and was a useless fecker to boot - good business IMO.

replacing your only creative midfielder with 2 wingers who have zero experience of this league. Sounds like 'good buisness' straight form the LCFC book of 'good buisness' to me.
....who was out of contract at the end of the season, and was a useless fecker to boot - good business IMO.

I suspect, sadly, that we might see the product of this 'good business' over the next few weeks.......
replacing your only creative midfielder with 2 wingers who have zero experience of this league. Sounds like 'good buisness' straight form the LCFC book of 'good buisness' to me.

You say creative - I would use a few other words, but they would not be suitable for a family audience.;)
Thanks for coming back and I apologise for the comments about you nipping off tonight. So they do not back the bid any longer... which appears to be very late in the day to suddenly change.

I can understand anybody changing their mind about the deal, if the terms thereof have changed. You might agree to sell you house for £200,000 - but if the bloke came back and said he only wanted to give you £185,000, you might well change your mind.
I can understand anybody changing their mind about the deal, if the terms thereof have changed. You might agree to sell you house for £200,000 - but if the bloke came back and said he only wanted to give you £185,000, you might well change your mind.
Not if I'd sold all my fixtures and fittings, or put wallpaper over the cracks prior to survey time :icon_wink
Only we could have this drag on with so much in fighting...:icon_roll

I think this is as a result of the policy that sees an approximately equal number of shares spread over a number of people with no one person (or small group) having a controlling interest. It has become clear that this has not been good for the running of the club - and now it isn't good for a timely decision on the future of the club; a club that is now in crisis.
Not if I'd sold all my fixtures and fittings, or put wallpaper over the cracks prior to survey time :icon_wink

It seems to me that the board may have carried out all of those actions, clearly not expecting MM to appoint a top-class surveyor.
You say creative - I would use a few other words, but they would not be suitable for a family audience.;)

Whilst Williams was not renowned for his work ethic or tough tackling, I blame the managers who have repeatedly selected him in a 2 man central midfield and continually played a style of football that negated Williams main attributes. It was obvious he was not the right type of player to play hoofball and yet the club and management proceeded to shell out the best part of 1.5 million pounds in fees and wages to a player who would never fit into the chosen style of play. Further evidence of what a shambles this club is from top right through to bottom.
MM has, yet again, made a new(lower) offer for the board to consider.AT and GC resigned because they've had enough of MM continually changing the terms of the offer.
The whole process has been delayed by MM not by the board or the shareholders.What are they supposed to do when he continually keeps changing the offer.?
The whole process whereby the remaining members of the board recommend the offer and seek the approval of shareholders for a minimum of 75% of the shares must now start again from scratch.
It is now fairly certain that several of the shareholders will not give their approval of the latest offer because like the three senior directors who resigned they've had enough of MM changing the offer all the time. Yet at the same time MM keeps telling the Mercury that he wants to sign tomorrow-thereby implying that the delays have come about by procrastination on the part of the board(and even the shareholders)
AT and GC were the two senior and most respected members of the board who have worked long and hard to try and make this deal work.They have resigned because they felt they could no longer recommend to the shareholders the lower offer received from MM in the last few days-and who can blame them ?

In the circumstances, I can only presume that Andrew Taylor felt that he no longer had the support of the rest of the board in carrying out the job he was appointed to do. It seems to me that this is a sign that the board wish to go ahead, despite his advice.

If somebody like Andrew Taylor feels that the bid is not good enough, perhaps we all should be worried.
I understand that it is planned for Tim Davies to stay on as CEO in the MM fleet. Don't know how long it's likely to last though with hime having been one of the ones less keen to sell his shares.

In his position, I think I would be looking for a new job now.

I think you will finf that TD is one of the main supporters of this bid, without him I would expect it to fail.
I think you will finf that TD is one of the main supporters of this bid, without him I would expect it to fail.

But was that before he found out that he could keep his shares and his job or after. TD and FT may have changed their tune to suit their own interests.
Why didn't AT and GC stay around, surely if they felt the MM deal was not in the best long term interests of the club they have should have stayed in their positions and used their influence and power to persuade other shareholders of the potential pitfalls, not just walk away. Also if they felt the offer was not sufficient then why did they not stay and try and look for alternatives.
Are you sure and can you confirm that their resignations were due to the content and detail within Mandaric's offer and not internal politics and in fighting amongst some of the current board :102:

Also now that their is a vacancy for the chairman's position available can MM be voted onto the board and assume the role prior to the takeover being finalised ?

The very question that I asked myself. The only answer must surely be that they realise that it is a lost cause and that they are sure that the rest of the board are intent on going down a path that they can;t support.

I feel this is a matter for concern.
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