Official Statement - Taylor Steps Down

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dont worry RF if it gose tits up the FT board have said they would move in and run the club for the fans :icon_roll :icon_roll :icon_lol: :icon_wink

I can see that the Financial Times would have some business sector acumen, but would they really diversify their interests to take on running a football club?
And as a member of the previous board he was partly responsible for us going into administration in the first place so don't give me any crap about being a city fan.

Don't think you are quite right there. From memory, he was brought on to the board about six months before admin because he was a city big hitter ( ex chief exec. of Cable and Wireless ) in an attempt to renegotiate our debts. As it happens he was unsuccessful, but I don't think you can hold that against him, the damage had been done with the unsustainable finance plan for the stadium and the ludicrous contracts handed out to players who were past their best.
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AT has resigned because he would lose all professional credibility if he recommended a deal that advisors have laughed at over a month ago, since then it has even got worse.

It has got nothing to do with having their support, it is all about being able to represent their views professionally and with integrity.

mmmm two goes at responding to one post of mine!

I am sure that you are wholly correct but you seem to have misread what I was saying. AT clearly thinks the present bid is not good enough and his integrity will not allow him to recommend it, as you say. The rest of the board seem to want to push ahead - they do not support his view that the present bid is not good enough.

We are saying the same thing in our different ways.
Don't think you are quite right there. From memory, he was brought on to the board about six months before admin because he was a city big hitter ( ex chief exec. of Cable and Wireless ) in an attempt to renegotiate our debts. As it happens he was unsuccessful

The major creditors did agree to a restructuring of the debts, which would have kept us out of administration. It was the threat of legal action by **** w*s*, followed by Eric Hall's actions that scuppered it.
Does anyone else find it amusing that we are 2nd guessing everything?!

"manderic is making a lower bid so he can spend more on players"

"He's made a lower bid because of our league position"

We don't know any of the facts except that 3 directors now think that the bid is not good enough for the club and that is something that I find slightly worrying.

Its not enough just to say MM will improve everything just cause he is MM and thats what happened at Pompey.

I personally am starting to get a bit wary of two things, firstly that directors of the club see real problems in the bids and secondly that MM is doing everything through his employee Bill Anderson and noone questions his integrity on this forum, only the current board who are apparently cocking everything up by trying to protect the clubs future.

I hope MM comes into the club but not at huge risks to the club.
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Does anyone else find it amusing that we are 2nd guessing everything?!

"manderic is making a lower bid so he can spend more on players"

"He's made a lower bid because of our league position"

We don't know any of the facts except that 3 directors now think that the bid is not good enough for the club and that is something that I find slightly worrying.

Its not enough just to say MM will improve everything just cause he is MM and thats what happened at Pompey.

I personally am starting to get a bit wary of two things, firstly that directors of the club see real problems in the bids and secondly that MM is doing everything through his employee Bill Anderson and noone questions his integrity on this forum, only the current board who are apparently cocking everything up by trying to protect the clubs future.

I hope MM comes into the club but not at huge risks to the club.

I have massive concerns especially now that 3 Directors have resigned, I also have genuine fears that the club have seriously miscalculated MM and have played into his hands, we have no way of generating quick cash into the club now that the transfer window has closed and I fear that this was the clubs only barginning tool in the fact that they could sell some assets to survive or to delay a decision / review other options.

My only hope is that the three directors who have resigned have done this so they can mount a rival bid for the club , hopefully including Martin George, I know it is a long shot but I find it difficult to believe that they will have abdecated responsibility so easily especially if it was detrimental to the club.
mmmm two goes at responding to one post of mine!

I am sure that you are wholly correct but you seem to have misread what I was saying. AT clearly thinks the present bid is not good enough and his integrity will not allow him to recommend it, as you say. The rest of the board seem to want to push ahead - they do not support his view that the present bid is not good enough.

We are saying the same thing in our different ways.

Agreed, allthough I do not believe that the remaining board members think that this is a good deal want to push ahead with it, more that they just want out the quickest way possible.
I have massive concerns especially now that 3 Directors have resigned, I also have genuine fears that the club have seriously miscalculated MM and have played into his hands, we have no way of generating quick cash into the club now that the transfer window has closed and I fear that this was the clubs only barginning tool in the fact that they could sell some assets to survive or to delay a decision / review other options.

My only hope is that the three directors who have resigned have done this so they can mount a rival bid for the club , hopefully including Martin George, I know it is a long shot but I find it difficult to believe that they will have abdecated responsibility so easily especially if it was detrimental to the club.

My understanding (for what is worth) is that the clubs debt is manageable this season and rumours that we will go into admin if MM doesn't come in are wrong.

We would however, have to sell players in the summer (Stearman, Hume, Fryatt, Logan, McCarthy, Kisnorbo, Porter etc - although not all of them!) if RK wanted to bring players in.

The sum is that with MM we wouldn't have to be a selling club and without him we would (as most teams in this division do) sell players to help finances and bring in new (cheap) players, unless another benefactor like MG came in as a replacement.
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Could it be the case that some directors were asking for too much from this deal and putting pressure on AT. My GUESS would be that he is now saying "I've done my best, you lot sort it out".

My guess is exactly the opposite and that it is AT who has been trying to get more from the deal and the rest of the directors are now running scared and ready to accept anything.
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My guess is exactly the opposite adn that it is AT who has been trying to get more from the deal and the rest of the directors are now running scared and ready to accept anything.

the key word on both points is -

Because the cr@p that would be directed at them by the majority of supporters who have swallowed MM's propaganda hook, line and sinker?

The tide may be turning.
My only hope is that the three directors who have resigned have done this so they can mount a rival bid for the club , hopefully including Martin George, I know it is a long shot but I find it difficult to believe that they will have abdecated responsibility so easily especially if it was detrimental to the club.

We can always hope, I suppose, allthough I don't thinks there is any real chance of this. IMO they can't wait to get as far away as possible.
My guess is exactly the opposite and that it is AT who has been trying to get more from the deal and the rest of the directors are now running scared and ready to accept anything.

AT wasn't trying to get more from the deal, he was simply trying to keep to the original deal.
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