People That Piss You Off

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The chavvy little wassocks three doors down

for almost three hours now it's been 'thud thud thud'(that's dance music) from their garden and it's so loud I can turn my tv up to 40 on the volume and I can STILL hear it more than the tv!

I'm not stupid enough to go and knock on their door and tell them to quieten it down though:icon_eek:

What do you expect in Shilton?:102::icon_lol:
The chavvy little wassocks three doors down

for almost three hours now it's been 'thud thud thud'(that's dance music) from their garden and it's so loud I can turn my tv up to 40 on the volume and I can STILL hear it more than the tv!

I'm not stupid enough to go and knock on their door and tell them to quieten it down though:icon_eek:

That wouldn't bother me, my telly goes up to 41.
WEll tbf 40 is only about halfway, but it's still twice as loud as what I normally have my tv!

And yes I know it's Shilton and I should expect it, but it's starting to piss me off now, and they've turned the fecking rubbish up again.....
What with them and the benefit scrounging family next door whose kids are shouting and screaming at all hours it's enough to make me throw in the towel and just sell up. Of course the only problem with that is that I can't afford to buy anywhere else cos anything decent is at least £40k more than mine.......
WEll tbf 40 is only about halfway, but it's still twice as loud as what I normally have my tv!

And yes I know it's Shilton and I should expect it, but it's starting to piss me off now, and they've turned the fecking rubbish up again.....
What with them and the benefit scrounging family next door whose kids are shouting and screaming at all hours it's enough to make me throw in the towel and just sell up. Of course the only problem with that is that I can't afford to buy anywhere else cos anything decent is at least £40k more than mine.......

Call the police repeatedly. They wont know its you and the treat noise polution far more seriously than you might expect.
I have done.

did it just after 8pm and they said they'll pass the incident on to the local council because it's up to them to deal with it, being noise pollution but HBBC don't have an 'out of hours service'.... Rang again just after 10pm and they told me the matter was being passed to the council(same reason as before)

It's still going on, louder if that's possible.

Hopefully it'll stop soon cos I'm up at 6am....and if I don't get any kip I'll not be in a good mood... I'm normally arsey at about 5pmish on a satdee!
I have done.

did it just after 8pm and they said they'll pass the incident on to the local council because it's up to them to deal with it, being noise pollution but HBBC don't have an 'out of hours service'.... Rang again just after 10pm and they told me the matter was being passed to the council(same reason as before)

It's still going on, louder if that's possible.

What a load of shite that is. They must know the council can do **** all out of hours, feckin wankstains.

Ring them back BF & tell them everything is okay now because one of your neighbours has just gone around there with a shotgun & told them to keep the noise down.
The place will be swarming with pigs in about 2 mins.

I'm a ****ing twat, thought i'd throw my phone up in the air as high as possible, yeah because i'm eating a blue cheeseburger, and yeah it landed face down on the floor and broke.

Why do i get so pissed that i do such a stupid thing??????

Now i've gotta buy a new one!
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Farmers that moan about how tough life is.

Well sell your £75,000 range rover, your £80,000 tractor, your £2,000,000 house and you should be OK.

You fookers have had the life of riley for the past 500 years, I'm glad your birds and cows are dying. I'm glad Tesco's are screwing you to the bone. Miserable, stuck up arrogant wankers.

You come into Melton every fookin Tuesday, sit in the pubs all fookin day and then drive your big cars home. Knowing full well, that your "friends" with the funny hand shakes will never EVER stop you and demand a breath test. Fook you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and by the way. When things start going against us in our trades, the government won't give as any handouts to help get us back on our feet again. Kunts
Just having nose around... you maybe a Leicester fan but:038::038::038::038: to some of you 'hates' on here:icon_lol:
I ****ing hate people who agree with melts

I'm a ****ing twat, thought i'd throw my phone up in the air as high as possible, yeah because i'm eating a blue cheeseburger, and yeah it landed face down on the floor and broke.

Why do i get so pissed that i do such a stupid thing??????

Now i've gotta buy a new one!

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Looks like you know what you're spending your wages on then!!
People who lend you a CD to listen to, and only when you come to play it do you realise you've been given an empty case :icon_roll

Not sure who I'm more pissed off with, them for being so stupid, or myself for not realising that my lender is notorious for being dense and not checking it in the first place :icon_lol:

Who said that lightning doesn't strike twice :102:
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