People That Piss You Off

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People who let their dog go for a shit on my front lawn.

I am so sick of people not having any respect for other peoples property lately, it is really getting me ****ing down.
randomly place some land mines, that'll learn them....
People who let their dog go for a shit on my front lawn.

I am so sick of people not having any respect for other peoples property lately, it is really getting me ****ing down.

I was looking out of my bedroom window a couple of weeks ago and caught some woman allowing her dog to shit on my front lawn too. She had no intention of picking it up and was looking around to see if anybody was watching.

I opened the window and asked her if she was going to remove it to which she replied, whilst shrugging her shoulders, "With what?"

I'm not the best in the morning so I lost my rag "I don't care what with, I shouldn't have to pick it up should I?"

No reply, more shrugging of shoulders.

"If I have to pick it up I will come and put it through your letterbox" I said.

She got a tissue out of her pocket, looked at it almost gagging and picked it up before scuttling away.
I was looking out of my bedroom window a couple of weeks ago and caught some woman allowing her dog to shit on my front lawn too. She had no intention of picking it up and was looking around to see if anybody was watching.

I opened the window and asked her if she was going to remove it to which she replied, whilst shrugging her shoulders, "With what?"

I'm not the best in the morning so I lost my rag "I don't care what with, I shouldn't have to pick it up should I?"

No reply, more shrugging of shoulders.

"If I have to pick it up I will come and put it through your letterbox" I said.

She got a tissue out of her pocket, looked at it almost gagging and picked it up before scuttling away.

other half's who insist on reading out the scores/scorers etc on ssn vidiprinter :icon_roll
People who phone you up when your eating
People who phone you up when your eating

People who do other things when it was them who rang you.If they aren't going to give you their full attention why don't they ring when they are prepared to?
''Go on I'm listening'' No you ****ing aren't you are too busy doing something to be listening properly
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