People That Piss You Off

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Thats disgusting. Can he appeal ?
I'm guessing that technically, the crime is "failing to properly display a badge", as in the same law that applies to the tax disc, in which case there is no room for appeal.

But what the **** has happened to common sense and common decency? The community spirit has been replaced by targets and statistics and the world is now prepared to **** people over to reach them.

I'm guessing that technically, the crime is "failing to properly display a badge", as in the same law that applies to the tax disc, in which case there is no room for appeal.

But what the **** has happened to common sense and common decency? The community spirit has been replaced by targets and statistics and the world is now prepared to **** people over to reach them.


He should be able to appeal, I once got a parking ticket for parking in a resedential zone, I had thrown the parking permit onto the dash but it had fell onto the floor and I hadn't noticed. Completely my fault but I appealed and said along the lines of "I have a pass, why wouldn't I display it, your traffic warden was just blind" and they cancelled the ticket.
He should be able to appeal, I once got a parking ticket for parking in a resedential zone, I had thrown the parking permit onto the dash but it had fell onto the floor and I hadn't noticed. Completely my fault but I appealed and said along the lines of "I have a pass, why wouldn't I display it, your traffic warden was just blind" and they cancelled the ticket.
I meant "appeal", as it in to tell the judge that you made a mistake and just displayed the badge incorrectly.

Not "appeal" as in fabricate a completely different version of events.
I meant "appeal", as it in to tell the judge that you made a mistake and just displayed the badge incorrectly.

Not "appeal" as in fabricate a completely different version of events.

My point was more that there is a process of appeal that he could use
My point was more that there is a process of appeal that he could use
Indeed, if he lies like you did he might be succesful. If not, I suspect he'll lose.

Most punishments have an appeals process you can follow.
Self Motivate Chaps - after me breath in.......................and hold...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Self Motivate Chaps - after me breath in.......................and hold...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

You can breath out now. feel better for that?
Indeed, if he lies like you did he might be succesful. If not, I suspect he'll lose.

Most punishments have an appeals process you can follow.

Around here the traffic wardens take loads of photos with a digital camera to prove you were there, the no parking sign is correctly displayed, your number plate, the tax disc etc. I watched one the other day, he must have taken 5 or 6 photos. So I guess making up stories is out of the question nowadays. I blame people like Beighton.

I agree though that people seem to have lost their sense of decency. Are they paid by result?

I went on a course for people in charities yesterday. There was an ex-VAT inspector there. He said when he trained the VAT unit accepted that many charities rely on volunteers and so mistakes get made but almost always in good faith, so they would waive the penalties. Now they receive performance related pay so go for penalties, interest...

It seems a bit short-sighted to me as the charities often pick up the pieces left by govt eg if there weren't hospices / Red Cross / St Johns' then the people would end up in the NHS system. So by taking money from a charity in a fine the charity has less money to spend to treat people...

Sorrry I didn't mean to rant. :icon_redf It's been one of those days.
Indeed, if he lies like you did he might be succesful. If not, I suspect he'll lose.

Most punishments have an appeals process you can follow.

ranty bit...

Just to set the record straight, I didn't do anyone wrong by stretching the truth. I was paying for a permit to park where I did so I was following all instructions. The only mistruth was in saying that the parking permit was visible to the warden, which when I left the car I thought it was, only when I got back did i realise it had fell to the floor. If a system existed where the warden could check against my license plate all would have been fine.
Just to set the record straight, I didn't do anyone wrong by stretching the truth. I was paying for a permit to park where I did so I was following all instructions. The only mistruth was in saying that the parking permit was visible to the warden, which when I left the car I thought it was, only when I got back did i realise it had fell to the floor. If a system existed where the warden could check against my license plate all would have been fine.

I know :icon_wink

A friend got caught in a pay and display in a similar way. But they didn't believe him even though he had the ticket for proof.
A lad I work with parents received a fine from Manchester City Council yesterday, for driving in a bus lane. They live in Leicester and were not in or near Manchester on the said day. They have reviewed the photo and it turns out that the car involved had exactly the same reg except the leading letter was R but theirs is P. It didn't matter to the council that this was a completely different colour or make of car.

My friend called them today only to be told it is up to you to prove its not you and this must be in writing. When my mate asked to speak to a supervisor he was told none of them are here "don't you watch the news".

Service at its best!
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Sad wassocks who message people on facebook(not on friend list btw) and accuse the OH of being a spineless bastard. Why?

Because the OH told them if they wanted to use the Arcade on his site then they should post on the Forum, and because they didn't then he got rid of them. Said wassock seems to think OH only did it because I told him to.(Anyone who knows the OH knows he hardly EVER does what I tell him to!) It seems as though said wassock seems to have also forgotten he owes the OH money for a comp, meaning OH had to put the money in himself.

Said wassock is the boyf of the poisoned dwarf I've mentioned on here before btw!:icon_roll

A pattern seems to be emerging with these two, take the piss, owe money, then take offence when they get treated as they deserve to!
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Contractors that think it's funny to leave an unflushable log in the loo :icon_evil
People who in confront you in town at 7.15 in the morning armed with a can of stella. :icon_roll
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