People That Piss You Off

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I think there are moral values from the bible which I try and follow and are still relevant today. Not all of them.

But you don't get those values from the bible. They're your values, they just happen to coincide with what was written in a piece of fiction thousands of years ago. I'm sure your values also coincide with things that have been written in other religious books or philosophy books. Why did you choose the bible rather than something else? Is it just because that's what you were brought up to believe?
I think there are moral values from the bible which I try and follow and are still relevant today. Not all of them.

I'd be interested to hear which moral values you think you get from the Bible. I would argue that there is no morality in the Bible, none whatsoever.
Most of what we consider to be morality is innate, we would not have evolved as a species without it.

I don't really get where your coming from Macky, though thats probably because I've never had much involvement with the Catholic church....

With regards to it being a political device? Simply, that its primary purpose is, and always has been, to control people.
You don't need to have had any dealings with the Catholic church to see that.
That's a good point of rhetoric Harbs. Good lad, you're learning.

More accurately then, the belief in God is responsible for uncountable evil, throughout history.

Plus, you only need to read the Bible to see that the character of God is a reprehensible, evil monster

Ture, to an extent.

But the belief in God is also responsible for a lot of peace in the world and has provided many millions of people comfort in times of need, guidance to live better lives etc. etc. If you're criticising people for picking and choosing parts of the bible, then maybe don't pick and choose just the negative consequences of religion.
I would argue that there is no morality in the Bible, none whatsoever.

One of the most offensive statements I have seen on this site. Still, everyone's allowed an opinion.

Most of what we consider to be morality is innate, we would not have evolved as a species without it.

Please explain your thinking...
People who cant tell when to use "to" or "too"

Happens much to often and it annoys me to. Too say it pisses me off would be an understatement.
Please explain your thinking...

if you pick a moral, say that murder is wrong...

if humanity felt a deep desire to kill all the time, the species would die out very quickly, it would be a waste of time and energy killing

species only kill each other when it's worth it in terms of territory or getting laid or food and hence each species develops a principle of "it is right to kill when..."

these are our morals, not something learned from a book, something vestigial in human nature. the books came after evolution, billions of years after

paraphrasing Dawkins, if you only feel the urge NOT to kill people because you read it in a book, you're a religious psychopath
if you pick a moral, say that murder is wrong...

if humanity felt a deep desire to kill all the time, the species would die out very quickly, it would be a waste of time and energy killing

species only kill each other when it's worth it in terms of territory or getting laid or food and hence each species develops a principle of "it is right to kill when..."

these are our morals, not something learned from a book, something vestigial in human nature. the books came after evolution, billions of years after

paraphrasing Dawkins, if you only feel the urge NOT to kill people because you read it in a book, you're a religious psychopath

I understand and I tend to agree with this process of thought. However, is in not a bit contradictory to say that people don't get morals from a book (or religion), but they do go around killing people because of it [I'm not suggesting that you have said this Darth]?

All I'm trying to get at is that people attack religion for causing certain negative things in the world, but then mock when people try to suggest that it causes positive things.

The facts of the matter are that, as you suggest, people are intrinsically who they are. Of course outside factors play a hugely important role in determining what they/we do/think, but the outside factor shouldn't be blamed/praised for the consequence, the person should.

I happen to believe in God, "despite" being an intelligent guy. No-one can prove me wrong, I can't prove myself right. As a result, I make no judgment on atheists and would expect them not to make a judgment on me. I just think that 'hatred' of religion is a ridiculous concept.
One of the most offensive statements I have seen on this site. Still, everyone's allowed an opinion.

Are you serious? There are threads next door to this one with people wanking on buses or shitting in bottles, yet you find an honest, considered opinion on a BOOK to be the most offensive thing you have ever seen on this site. That my friend is truly bizarre.

There is no morality in the Bible. It is mostly full of hate and nastiness, followed by a few contradictory fairytales about the character Jesus who doesn't seem too bad on the face of it, but he doesn't bother dealing with any really important moral issues. Instead he does a few party tricks and people go "Wooooo, free wine, YAY! Do another trick Jebus".
I can only presume that you haven't read it.

Please explain your thinking...

See DV's post above for a start.
Pick a moral and let's discuss it.
Are you serious? There are threads next door to this one with people wanking on buses or shitting in bottles, yet you find an honest, considered opinion on a BOOK to be the most offensive thing you have ever seen on this site. That my friend is truly bizarre.

There is no morality in the Bible. It is mostly full of hate and nastiness, followed by a few contradictory fairytales about the character Jesus who doesn't seem too bad on the face of it, but he doesn't bother dealing with any really important moral issues. Instead he does a few party tricks and people go "Wooooo, free wine, YAY! Do another trick Jebus".
I can only presume that you haven't read it.

See DV's post above for a start.
Pick a moral and let's discuss it.

Macks, I don't want to argue with you about the content of the bible. You are welcome to presume that I haven't read it, but I'm more than comfortable with my knowledge of Christianity, including the bible.

My simple point was that it's pretty offensive to suggest that a book by which many millions (not me I might add) live their lives / take some guidance / take comfort / take inspiration etc. is mostly full of hate and nastiness and a few contradictory fairytales. If you really can't see why some might find that offensive, then that's truly bizarre.

I'm not saying there is no hate, nastyness or contradiction in there - there is. But to dismiss the underlying sentiment of a key facet of a major faith is pretty offensive. I could find you many examples of why Stalin was good for certain aspects of Russia - it doens't mean he was a good bloke, and many Russians would be offended if I suggested he was.
Some alleged jebus quotes from the new testament - I base my life on these:

"If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and
mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even
his own life, he cannot be my disciple. "

"I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword"

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me"
Macks, I don't want to argue with you about the content of the bible. You are welcome to presume that I haven't read it, but I'm more than comfortable with my knowledge of Christianity, including the bible.

My simple point was that it's pretty offensive to suggest that a book by which many millions (not me I might add) live their lives / take some guidance / take comfort / take inspiration etc. is mostly full of hate and nastiness and a few contradictory fairytales. If you really can't see why some might find that offensive, then that's truly bizarre.

I'm not saying there is no hate, nastyness or contradiction in there - there is. But to dismiss the underlying sentiment of a key facet of a major faith is pretty offensive. I could find you many examples of why Stalin was good for certain aspects of Russia - it doens't mean he was a good bloke, and many Russians would be offended if I suggested he was.

Thing is Dog, what I posted is the truth. If anybody is offended by that then they should question themselves, not me.

I would question the sanity of anybody that takes comfort, inspiration and guidance from the Bible, and congratulate them on their selective reading abilities.
Do they sit down and say to themselves "I need some comfort, let me open the Bible and read a nice, wholesome story about incest or genocide"?

Most of the people that you're talking about take comfort from their religion, not the Bible, because they are terrified of their own mortality or because of the indoctrination that they were subjected to as children when their brain was still developing, myself included. The vast majority of who will have never actually read the book that their religion is partially based upon.
I understand and I tend to agree with this process of thought. However, is in not a bit contradictory to say that people don't get morals from a book (or religion), but they do go around killing people because of it [I'm not suggesting that you have said this Darth]?

nobody said religious people don't get their morals from books, we said they shouldn't

All I'm trying to get at is that people attack religion for causing certain negative things in the world, but then mock when people try to suggest that it causes positive things.
i'd say religion has had a few good effects, but my main objection is that it's all a lie used to control people

I happen to believe in God, "despite" being an intelligent guy. No-one can prove me wrong, I can't prove myself right. As a result, I make no judgment on atheists and would expect them not to make a judgment on me. I just think that 'hatred' of religion is a ridiculous concept.
make all the judgements on atheists you like, we're right ;)

i would say hatred of religion is a pretty decent stand point for a lot of people, say catholic choirboys that have been abused

the fact that you don't judge others does not make your views insusceptible to scrutiny
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