Players promotion party

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Young men, with a lot of income, celebrating a major milestone in their careers.
Again, why does a celebration have to involve alcohol?
Thank **** nobody followed me around with a camera in my youth.
Unless you were in a job where it would be a major advantage to remain in top physical condition, then what you chose to eat and drink wouldn't have been anybody else's business. But these particular young men are paid very well to compete at a very high level in a very physically demanding profession. Going out and getting drunk during the season is absolutely not on. Would anyone defend the players if they were filmed binge eating McDonalds and chocolate Hob Nobs?
I'd also add that a lot of bouncers are absolute dicks, especially to anyone they view as a threat to their alpha manhood.
If there was a fight, or even a scuffle, it's not shown in the video.
Understand that people paid to see the Brighton performance and in that regard it's pretty shit. But I'd say most people have got their money's worth this year from this side.
Season tickets are very expensive. Season ticket holders have got their money's worth when the twenty-third home game has finished. If the players are so shallow and stupid that a celebration of success means that they absolutely must get drunk, they should do it when the final game has been played and not before.
Wow - it's not like the Daily Mirror to show us in a bad light is it. Anyone remember La Manga? Trash piece of arse wipe paper.
Wow - it's not like the Daily Mirror to show us in a bad light is it. Anyone remember La Manga? Trash piece of arse wipe paper.

I'm not sure which La Manga incident you are referring to. Is this the one where City were sharing a hotel with Rosenberg players who managed to stay sober whilst our heroes were getting pissed out of their heads and spraying fire extinguishers around? Or the later one where several players were happy to admit sharing their highly-paid bodies with complete strangers of unknown history?

How wrong was it for the Mirror (other media outlets) to advise stakeholders - we are all stakeholders - of these events?
I was referring to that moronic female reporter who had decided she would personally sentence our players and before any trial. And for the 1 inch of column to apologise when that hopeless rag was proven to be wrong.
Again, why does a celebration have to involve alcohol?

Unless you were in a job where it would be a major advantage to remain in top physical condition, then what you chose to eat and drink wouldn't have been anybody else's business. But these particular young men are paid very well to compete at a very high level in a very physically demanding profession. Going out and getting drunk during the season is absolutely not on. Would anyone defend the players if they were filmed binge eating McDonalds and chocolate Hob Nobs?

If there was a fight, or even a scuffle, it's not shown in the video.

Season tickets are very expensive. Season ticket holders have got their money's worth when the twenty-third home game has finished. If the players are so shallow and stupid that a celebration of success means that they absolutely must get drunk, they should do it when the final game has been played and not before.

I think you are forgetting something here. They are all human beings. They are not perfect and they most probably have different tastes and desires to you. If they want to go out and get shit faced then who are we to say. As for players have a binge on shit food, then yes they would occasionally do that as well. Like I said, they are human beings, like me and you they can't do everything by the book all of the time.
Is this the one where City were sharing a hotel with Rosenberg players who managed to stay sober whilst our heroes were getting pissed out of their heads and spraying fire extinguishers around?
it's spelt either Rosenborg or *********
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Should I've spelled spelt differently in that post?
I'd imagine they had training the next day so I'd be surprised if the club didn't already know about the fact they'd been drinking the night before. Not saying the club or I approve, but I doubt this is news.

Apparently they were all tested for alcohol before training on Monday after the party and several players had their car keys taken off them.
Young men and women celebrate major milestones in their personal careers all of the time and at every strata of society, but if they are still incapable of engaging in their chosen field of employment three days after they've gotten the results they are gonna end up in the shit, and rightly so.

The players actions on that Saturday evening were condoned by management for me when I saw pictures of the players spraying champagne around the training ground on the Monday. Again, for me, this was disappointing. Once the season is over, there may be a case for allowing it. Although I'd actually argue against even this for professional sportsmen. But during the season, definitely not.

On a wider point about the link between alcohol and sporting excellence, the two don't mix. If you're going to employ a team of sports scientists and nutritional experts giving each player numerous daily supplements and analysing every minute detail of fitness and performance and then turn a blind eye when they get wasted three days before a game, it undermines the approach entirely.

NP was 'old school' when it came to football and alcohol. In the 80s/90s, NP was one of those players that was part of the "work hard/play hard" culture alongside people like Adams, Merson, Robson, McGrath and so on. This season, when asked where he'd be when promotion rivals were playing, he said 'in the pub'. When the coaching staff de-briefed performances last season, they did it as part of a two day drinking session in a pub.

This is why I'd be interested in hearing his views on how many of the players chose to celebrate. I'd like to understand how he reconciles the two approaches.
Do people here think this is the first time this season our players have been on the town getting lashed?

Rofl lolz etc
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I think people need to remember these are footballers and not monks!

Complete overreaction here as players will be out drinking every week, as long as it is not the night before a game it shouldn't be an issue at all.
Apparently they were all tested for alcohol before training on Monday after the party and several players had their car keys taken off them.

Do they have to drive about whilst at training?

Bit pointless once they've already driven there and weren't they out on the Saturday night anyway?
Do they have to drive about whilst at training?

Bit pointless once they've already driven there and weren't they out on the Saturday night anyway?

It's hardly pointless to take keys from someone if they are likely to drive intoxicated even if they already have.

I'm sure they drive on the training pitches who wouldn't
It's hardly pointless to take keys from someone if they are likely to drive intoxicated even if they already have.

I'm sure they drive on the training pitches who wouldn't

But they'll be at training for the next 4 hours or so, exercising, rehydrating and being fed so it'll be all good by then.

Not that it wouldn't have been anyway as they were out Saturday night and training was Monday morning.

Much ado about nothing and typical holier than thou attitude from the general replies.
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The players actions on that Saturday evening were condoned by management for me when I saw pictures of the players spraying champagne around the training ground on the Monday. Again, for me, this was disappointing. Once the season is over, there may be a case for allowing it. Although I'd actually argue against even this for professional sportsmen. But during the season, definitely not.

On a wider point about the link between alcohol and sporting excellence, the two don't mix. If you're going to employ a team of sports scientists and nutritional experts giving each player numerous daily supplements and analysing every minute detail of fitness and performance and then turn a blind eye when they get wasted three days before a game, it undermines the approach entirely.

NP was 'old school' when it came to football and alcohol. In the 80s/90s, NP was one of those players that was part of the "work hard/play hard" culture alongside people like Adams, Merson, Robson, McGrath and so on. This season, when asked where he'd be when promotion rivals were playing, he said 'in the pub'. When the coaching staff de-briefed performances last season, they did it as part of a two day drinking session in a pub.

This is why I'd be interested in hearing his views on how many of the players chose to celebrate. I'd like to understand how he reconciles the two approaches.
This. Every word.
Again, why does a celebration have to involve alcohol?

Unless you were in a job where it would be a major advantage to remain in top physical condition, then what you chose to eat and drink wouldn't have been anybody else's business. But these particular young men are paid very well to compete at a very high level in a very physically demanding profession. Going out and getting drunk during the season is absolutely not on. Would anyone defend the players if they were filmed binge eating McDonalds and chocolate Hob Nobs?

If there was a fight, or even a scuffle, it's not shown in the video.

Season tickets are very expensive. Season ticket holders have got their money's worth when the twenty-third home game has finished. If the players are so shallow and stupid that a celebration of success means that they absolutely must get drunk, they should do it when the final game has been played and not before.

Trust me. I understand all of just doesn't bother me. I just believe people often forget that athletes are young, given too much money, and are generally thick. They are held to a standard that isn't realistic. Noble? Perhaps. Realistic? No.

I would add that the circumstances around our promotion also make me feel a little more at ease. They got promoted while watching Telly together in the morning. They wanted to celebrate but weren't on a pitch. If this was happening while we sat in 5th or something I would definitely have the hump. As it is, promotion was achieved on a day they didn't even kick a ball.
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