Okay, I saw this in all last week's stuff. You've brought it up.
I own an academy, lots of people work here, there's a computer. If you'd ever bothered to study, or see anything other than sunny Leicestershire, then you too would understand that there's a world out there. The snobbery in the postings was sickening; anyone who'd lived above a language academy was a 'gimp'. Some - not all - of you treat newcomers as if they're all idiots, you're scared of the outsiders, but the kids who work with me have achieved something you'll never come close to. They've had the bravery to leave that industrial wasteland you call home. While you're festering in your own faeces they've actually got up and gone somewhere.
I enjoyed the exchanges a couple of weeks ago, a bit snipey but quite fun from my point of view. Today I wanted to talk about the game, which I couldn't see. But it's come back down to this. If you honestly think I care about what people from the shallow end of the gene pool think, people dumb enough to believe that old men with shoulder pads sit down and invent duplicate personalities, then you're gravely mistaken, there are bigger things on my mind. And of course I don't have an alter-ego. I can outwit prats like you by myself. And effortlessly.
And yeah, I saw the post which said 'new people shouldn't come in and start throwing their weight about'. This isn't a pub, idiot, you're publishing everything you say. When I want to speak to my friends I call them. And, for what it's worth, if I walked into your local I'd still call you a half-wit.