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Yep. Also, parents who have apparently not yet taught their kid not to walk off with strangers

As most harm done to children is by people they know, they should be taught to only go off with strangers. Obviously once they get to know the stranger, they'll no longer be trustworthy, so they'll have to go off with another stranger.
As most harm done to children is by people they know, they should be taught to only go off with strangers. Obviously once they get to know the stranger, they'll no longer be trustworthy, so they'll have to go off with another stranger.
Statistics saves lives.
That, er... that doesn't make any sense.

How not? The child that was mistakenly taken must just assume grandad is someone who takes them to the doctors, otherwise surely the guy having a different face would raise concerns.
How not? The child that was mistakenly taken must just assume grandad is someone who takes them to the doctors, otherwise surely the guy having a different face would raise concerns.
The only grandfather we can safely assume is useless is the hawk-eyed genius who took her. But yes, the kid's real grandfather, quoted in boc's link, might be useless as well.
The only grandfather we can safely assume is useless is the hawk-eyed genius who took her. But yes, the kid's real grandfather, quoted in boc's link, might be useless as well.

Ture. I wonder why the child didn't realise something was up. Unless the school told her "a random old man is here to take you to the docs" if they'd said grandad you'd assume she'd question it.
Ture. I wonder why the child didn't realise something was up. Unless the school told her "a random old man is here to take you to the docs" if they'd said grandad you'd assume she'd question it.
I thought the same for a while, but then came to the conclusion that kids of that age just assume adults know what they're doing, so if an adult they know hands them over to an adult they don't know they just go along with it even though it's unusual.
I thought the same for a while, but then came to the conclusion that kids of that age just assume adults know what they're doing, so if an adult they know hands them over to an adult they don't know they just go along with it even though it's unusual.

Not in my experience, our kids are very good at knowing who is picking them up, even when the parents regularly forget to tell the school of a change and then moan when you phone to confirm.
Not in my experience, our kids are very good at knowing who is picking them up, even when the parents regularly forget to tell the school of a change and then moan when you phone to confirm.
I suppose it depends what you say to the kid. If you ask them "who's picking you up from school?" they're likely to think about it and give you what they think is the right answer. If you ask "is that your mum/dad?" they'll say yes or no. If you say to them "bye then, see you in a bit" they're unlikely to question it.
Typical of young kids today, she never for one minute considered that I might want some medications picking up.

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It's hardly up to RedTube or YouPorn standards though is it :icon_cry:

I can't see what's wrong with it. Washing yourself and your uniform at the same time has got to be better for the environment - one lot of hot water, two jobs done. It's OK with me.
Hey MoFo, here is a story you really ought to read. And when you have go and delete those spam links from your Facebook page :icon_bigg
Hey MoFo, here is a story you really ought to read. And when you have go and delete those spam links from your Facebook page :icon_bigg

The bastards. I knew it was a con once I got into the second lot of surveys. Trouble is the link came ftom a very reliable source, who obviously were fooled as well.
I normally spot those myself and warn people like the Jackie Chan is dead scam which I think Ive seen about 3 times now. Only last week my wife exclaims that he was dead and I said 'what again!!' I told her not to click on the link.
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