Rodgers future (post Forest away match)

What's the best option?

  • Sack Rodgers immediately

    Votes: 46 78.0%
  • Give Rodgers three more games and then reassess

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Give Rodgers until the end of the season and then reassess

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • Lincolnshire

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Cumberland

    Votes: 6 10.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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It’s only just dawned on me that we have another match today and he STILL hasn’t been sacked.

What the **** is going on?
We're backing him in the transfer window, the window to sack him SLAMMED shut yesterday evening
Brendan, Top, Rudkin, and Whelan must be secret TB’ers. No other four human beings could have selected the third option. I’m assuming the three more games vote is from the omnipresent Mike Stowell.
20 league games in and still no hint that he's under pressure.....
Has anyone else other than Brendan been on a management training course where the advice is to tell your team they're all ****ing useless?
It’s also said with a sort of resigned shrug. “Yeah, they’re shit, of course they concede late goals, bless em.”

What an utter bellend. I’m actually amazed the players are working as hard as they did today. A seige mentality against the manager at this point.
Any available money earmarked for transfers should be spent on sacking this **** and his useless shower of backroom staff. Would be a much wiser investment. Which of course means it won’t happen.
It'd be ok if we could be convinced this behaviour was the final face saving shite from someone about to be sacked. As he's been doing it for about 18 months it's just ****ing grim really.
Our only realistic hopes are at this point:

1. Somehow a few injuries easing off and a couple of news signings just get us ahead of three other clubs. Then Rodgers ****s off in the summer.

2. We become so cut adrift that we are in “roll the dice on anyone” mode and sack him with 5-6 matches left.

He’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00

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