Season Tickets?

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the vouchers were to do with away tickets though werent they?

No ... I think it was the Preston game. STH got a £5 voucher for every ticket they bought. Durham bought 7 tickets for me, and did say he would share the discount. Obviously changed his mind :icon_conf
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No ... I think it was the Preston game. STH got a £5 voucher for every ticket they bought. Durham bought 7 tickets for me, and did say he would share the discount. Obviously changed his mind :icon_conf

I did indeed and you went ahead and bought a season ticket wothout telling me :icon_conf:098:
I did indeed and you went ahead and bought a season ticket wothout telling me :icon_conf:098:

It's ok, you have them mate. I mean i've only got a kid on the way, missus on less than half her normal salary from end of june bla bla bla .. it's fine ....
does anyone know if you can transfer a season ticket from one person to another? will is not renewing his but my mate is going to start coming to games would i have to wait until day after deadline day ? when my mate actually goes on holiday:icon_roll

have you managed this yet mate as I need to do the same. Do they need something in writing?
have the club done away with the charges for paying by credit card?
have the club done away with the charges for paying by credit card?

I'm not sure on the £1.50 charge on match tickets, but what I do know is there is a 1.7% charge if paying by Mastercard or Visa for Season Tickets.
I'm not sure on the £1.50 charge on match tickets, but what I do know is there is a 1.7% charge if paying by Mastercard or Visa for Season Tickets.

the reason i ask is i have just renewed mine on line and was not charged anything
I am not renewing...............

I think the numbers must be well down. I had a reminder letter a few days ago and today I have had a postcard, a text and an email, all reminding me of the final date for renewing.
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00