From admittedly a long way away...
To the club:
- One in every 1000 people complained. That means 999 people out of every 1000 didn't complain. Complaints at such a low level don't even warrant a response - it's the whining moral minority getting way too much attention, as usual. Get a grip! :icon_roll
To the people who complained:
- My, how football has changed. FFS, it's a football match, not a funeral! What did you expect? :icon_roll If you don't like noise, swearing, etc, may I suggest you visit a library instead. You may not be allowed to eat your prawn sandwiches inside but apart from that you'll be fine.
To the Fosse Boys:
- Don't harangue your own fans! If you did, you're idiots. Like the majority of fans, I hate the "stand up if you love Leicester" song. The implication is you either stand up, because a bunch of 16 year olds told you to, or you stay seated and therefore are somehow a lesser fan. Stuff like that is pathetic.
- Don't boo opposition players who have broken legs. That also makes you look like idiots. Cut out the hate - you claim that you want to "provide atmosphere" but nobody likes an atmosphere like that.
- You all know the rules about standing and you all know that the club gets into trouble because of your behaviour. Saying "they always stand at x ground" is no excuse whatsoever. If you're told to sit down, then sit down. If you continue to behave like naughty little boys, you'll continue to be treated like naughty little boys. Duh! :icon_roll
I think that covers it. To sum up: you're all *****! :icon_bigg