Well perhaps not blind hope as we are midtable now and 4pts off the play-offs but I take the point.
I personally don't think its a madcap idea, but neither do I think MM is either.
The problem with MM is that he isn't offering much up front to appease the shareholders/board other than his 'success' at Pompey.
And to me thats not enough and its all well and good saying the board at the club aren't any good, and should accept the offer for the shares but if they genuinely believe its not in the best interests of the club then what can they do?!
Anyway, I've put all I know down so to recap as I understand, the current offer will be rejected, the board will offer MM 51% shares for a capital investment but no-one thinks he will accept it, which leaves the club generating money of around £2-3million to give to players with what I would call restructuring of debt but that isn't the right phrase apparently.
For the record, based on the facts of MM's offer I wouldn't accept it either.