Like the light effects with the cars on the first one. how did you do that?
As Beighton said, use a slow shutter speed. I only have a Fuji Finepix S8000, which is more or less the next step down from a DSLR. That doesn't have an option to change the time that the shutter stays open, but it has a "Fireworks" setting, which keeps the shutter open for a few seconds. I've been wanting to get a photo like that for a while, and found this was the best location, if any.
I didn't use a tripod for this shot. (I left it in the hotel room, as I wasn't really expecting to use it that night). There were some rocks behind my fiancée, so I used them instead.
SwedeFox said:
Great pictures LCFCmonkey, how was Rome by the way?
Rome was fantastic. It was a shame that we only went for 3 days as, although we saw most of the main sights (Colosseum, Vatican, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain), we had to miss some stuff out (Pantheon, Castel San' Angelo, Piazza Navona).
I would definately recommend it to anyone. Be prepared to do a little bit of walking though.