I am not sure if this has already been said (not read a large portion of this thread), but I do not understand the urgent need to launch this when A. we might have a new owner in a few weeks, B. they have not yet got the backing of local outlets to earn points and money for the club and C. did not realise the backlash that they would have from ST holders?
I am not against the scheme at all if it was launched as an addition to the 'perks' of the ST, it just seems to me that us season ticket holders are being taken more and more for granted. First it was tickets for the Walkers would be around the same price as Filbert St, b*llocks!, then it was tickets would not be going up, yes, but the games reduced. Needing to buy your ticket earlier and earlier to ensure you got 'your' seat (must admit I was expecting a buy this christmas campaign this year), yes the discount offer was a good idea but it still felt like having a gun to your head. Now the last perk is being taken away, our 10% discount. Overall the value of having a season ticket has been greatly reduced, why would you buy a season ticket, especially with the discounted tickets that are being made available and the ease of purchasing them via the web or email?
The season ticket will no doubt still be cheaper over the season, but the margin is being reduced season after season. Since I have had a family I do end up missing a few home games and in the past it wasn't a problem, but now how many games can you miss before the season ticket becomes more expensive?
I have had a season ticket for 11 years and this is the first time I am really considering not re-newing, not because of the dross on the field (I am mad enough to follow them anywhere), but because I am fed up of being treated like a mug.
Rant Over.