The only reason we haven't responded so far is that we are trying to assemble all paperwork relating to this topic, much as Jeff posted early in this thread.
We believe that any reference to the 10% ST discount was removed on the basis that teamcard should have started at the start of the season, due to the inefficiency of getting teamcard working the 10% discount rolled on.
PR wise the club have made a real foul up over this one, seeming to give a days notice, although now extended to a month. Perhaps felt it would be lost in the takeover talk.
Howver despite all this slagging off of the Trust, the club wanted to scrap the 10% discount for ST's 3 years ago & we have successfully fought against it until now.
At the beginning of last season the club came up with scraping it on ST's but having 10% discount on the membership cards, the theory being to get all ST's to become members (paying £15).
We thought that scheme was seriously flawed, couldn't see why any ST would need to be a members & eventually they agreed to back down. From memory none of these ideas got as far as the Fans Consultative Committee.
Re Teamcard, when this scheme was mentioned, we approached Trust's where their club had the scheme in place, the feedback we got was not positive (main issue lack of local shop partners) & we passed this on to Jo Bucci
The advice we gave included
"- it does emphasise the need to link up with the right partners though, so worth quizzing who Teamcard have lined up & although it's doing their job for them, using our shareholders & commercial pro LCFC links pushing a few potential partners towards them. The key to it is having a variety of partners so something appeals to most fans."
Looking at the companies on offer so far, the club/teamcard have failed to do this.
The takeover has to be our main focus at present, certainly with key individuals in the club, but we will be raising the topic to follow on from the negative feedback given at the meeting that Lisa attended on Saturday.