Thanks for the reply
1) Do you think he is really going to answer a direct question like that. My question was more aimed at whether the board have asked him to become more actively involved in the day to day running of the club, if they haven't, then why not, he has a wealth of experience and I am sure would add value..
That's the kind of direct question we ask, we don't shirk it with any person around the club
2) Fair enough, however surely the best way to judge Miss Bucci is by her actions and results not based on impressions gleamed from a quick chat. Craig Levein could talk a good game. My concern is that the main source of revenue will always be match day and whilst she may well be busy concentrating on the corporate side of the business, it would be prudent to remind her that surely the main target should be to maximise match day income by attracting back the crowds. I have seen nothing in the way of innovative ideas in pricing or initiatives and she has been here now for over 8 months. Lets not get too carried away.
Agreed it's delivery of results that count, not words.
The reduced pricing for over 8's to U16's is a good initiative, however it was something we put forward way before Jo Bucci started, so we don't think that was down to her.
She has been working on some pricing promotions with other companies, which basically see them funding the promotions, not sure how many are finalised.
3) Surely the priority is too maximise revenue, and if that means staging concerts especially ones that include a band with the popularity of Kasabian (who are indeed City fans, and I believe offered to stage a gig for free) then this opportunity must be explored. ..
I'm not sure if a vague 'would love to' comment in the media has been taken as a certain offer, it may only have been said to a journo & not the club
I have actually joined the Trust quite recently and I have been a litle disappointed that all I have recieved has been certificate, but nothing in the way of correspondance enabling me to become more actively involved.
You should be receiving e-mails - there was a recent one (23/7) about a newsletter editor, if you didn't receive it, please e-mail
[email protected] & I will ensure you are on the group e-mail circulation (please include some more of your contact details on the e-mail, so I can check the database)
E-mail anyway stating in what way you would like active involvement, is there any area of Trust work of particular interest, we are more than keen to get members more active