The Bullplop Rumours Thread

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It's by no means certain that money is what has stopped this deal going through but if it is, why is anybody surprised? How many of us would want to tear up a lucrative contract just because the other party did not want it to continue?

Sinec I graduated I have had 3 "professional" jobs, and from each one to the next I have taken a pay cut because the job looked like being more enjoyable/creative/whatever. Only now am I starting to get back to near what I started on. So I think anybody who is doing a job for the enjoyment will go for that rather than the money. And I would expect it to be easier to follow happiness than money when the figures being discussed are say 4k a week or 8k a week.
It's by no means certain that money is what has stopped this deal going through but if it is, why is anybody surprised? How many of us would want to tear up a lucrative contract just because the other party did not want it to continue?

I can honestly say I would much prefere to be playing week in week out for alittle less, then trianing everyday just to sit in the stands.

But if it means he is wanting to apply himself and really push and fight for a place then fair enough, altho I feel it maybe too late for him to prove himself.....
Sinec I graduated I have had 3 "professional" jobs, and from each one to the next I have taken a pay cut because the job looked like being more enjoyable/creative/whatever. Only now am I starting to get back to near what I started on. So I think anybody who is doing a job for the enjoyment will go for that rather than the money. And I would expect it to be easier to follow happiness than money when the figures being discussed are say 4k a week or 8k a week.

You can look forward to a lengthy career with plenty of time to 'make up' you money. Hughes will be realising that this is probably his last chance of making the kind of money offered on his current contract.
I can honestly say I would much prefere to be playing week in week out for alittle less, then trianing everyday just to sit in the stands.

But if it means he is wanting to apply himself and really push and fight for a place then fair enough, altho I feel it maybe too late for him to prove himself.....

The difference between his current contract and one being offered by a Scottish club won't be "a little less".
You can look forward to a lengthy career with plenty of time to 'make up' you money. Hughes will be realising that this is probably his last chance of making the kind of money offered on his current contract.

He is sitting out his year in the full knowledge he will do nothing to earn his money and wont play. He will then be hoping to cash in on a bosman next year. Pitiful. I hope he ends up in the scottish third division the money grabbing tosser.

We all know its about money.
We offered him the contract in the first place, so why do we expect him to tear it up and take a paycut? I for one would expect to pick up at least the same deal or compensation to make up the shortfall.

All they have to do to force his hand is to refuse to let him train and send him home on gardening leave, this way it would also ensure his chances of picking up another playing contract next year would be smaller and teach the twat a lesson
We offered him the contract in the first place, so why do we expect him to tear it up and take a paycut? I for one would expect to pick up at least the same deal or compensation to make up the shortfall.

All they have to do to force his hand is to refuse to let him train and send him home on gardening leave, this way it would also ensure his chances of picking up another playing contract next year would be smaller and teach the twat a lesson

no thinking about it, put him on gardening at the training ground. We all know how much MA likes his flowers

but he might get stroppy and rip all the heads off the flowers....maybe theres some weeding that needs doing on the m1
Much as I detest Hughes (only John Curtis has disgusted me more as a player), we've ballsed this one up.

All 6 of the transfer listed ones should have been excluded from pre season training. They should have all been made available on free transfers and we should have offered them all 3 months salary if they get a new club.

In Hughes case, we asked for a transfer fee, included him as part of the squad for training and expect him to to then take a substantial pay cut and leave. It's not going to happen unless he's a very honourably fellow. We know he's not one of those.
but he might get stroppy and rip all the heads off the flowers....maybe theres some weeding that needs doing on the m1

at the end of the day you cannot blame him. Everyone sets their life styles up to the pay packet they get. His incomings might be high but so will his outgoings. You can bet your life he will be in a big house, drive a top of the range car, expensive holidays etc etc etc

Still....................... feck him
Much as I detest Hughes (only John Curtis has disgusted me more as a player), we've ballsed this one up.

All 6 of the transfer listed ones should have been excluded from pre season training. They should have all been made available on free transfers and we should have offered them all 3 months salary if they get a new club.

In Hughes case, we asked for a transfer fee, included him as part of the squad for training and expect him to to then take a substantial pay cut and leave. It's not going to happen unless he's a very honourably fellow. We know he's not one of those.

Its a very short sighted approach if you ask me. If I was in his shoes I would get myself fixed up elsewhere with a longer contract and the opportunity to further my career rather than rotting here for a few quid over the next 12 months.
at the end of the day you cannot blame him. Everyone sets their life styles up to the pay packet they get. His incomings might be high but so will his outgoings. You can bet your life he will be in a big house, drive a top of the range car, expensive holidays etc etc etc

Still....................... feck him

i completely agree with you...and it must stop now :)
How much of it is to do with his agent wanting a percentage of a bigger salary and alos a potential share in a signing on fee which would more than likey be larger as a free Bosman signing than if a club paid City £50k?

To stop him training could be seen as constructive dismissal and he could then sue City to get his wages and feck off somewhere else.
From the world famous rumours site ..

Nottingham Forest could complete their £500 k treble signing from Leicester City today.

Louis Dodds, Alan Sheehan and Conrad Logan are the players in question.
All they have to do to force his hand is to refuse to let him train and send him home on gardening leave

All 6 of the transfer listed ones should have been excluded from pre season training.

Better just to pay off their contracts. Not allowing them to train would just lead to a claim for breach of contract and constructive dismissal
Its a very short sighted approach if you ask me. If I was in his shoes I would get myself fixed up elsewhere with a longer contract and the opportunity to further my career rather than rotting here for a few quid over the next 12 months.

No, you wouldn't. If you had got yourself into a contract like he has, you would have a totally different set of values from what you have now.
Its a very short sighted approach if you ask me. If I was in his shoes I would get myself fixed up elsewhere with a longer contract and the opportunity to further my career rather than rotting here for a few quid over the next 12 months.

Generally out of contract players are able to negotiate better deals than under contract players, particularly when a fee is asked for. In Hughes case, we've accepted offers from two clubs who will offer him a set amount. If he were free to speak to any club, his agent would be telling him that he'd be able to get more from club 'x' etc.

It's exactly what Hendrie/Fowler and their agents are doing at the moment. Touting them around for the best deal.

The gamble for a player like Hughes is potentially the declining interest in him following a year sitting on his arse. However, this is often less than you'd think. Several clubs have made enquiries for Douglas this summer and he's not played a competitive game for ages.
Much as I detest Hughes (only John Curtis has disgusted me more as a player), we've ballsed this one up.

All 6 of the transfer listed ones should have been excluded from pre season training. They should have all been made available on free transfers and we should have offered them all 3 months salary if they get a new club.

In Hughes case, we asked for a transfer fee, included him as part of the squad for training and expect him to to then take a substantial pay cut and leave. It's not going to happen unless he's a very honourably fellow. We know he's not one of those.

We should offer to make up whatever their loss is. That is what an honourable employer would do.

If we have already done that, it obviously isn't about money and must be taken as a sign that for some reason Hughes *wants* to stay - perhaps to fight for a place.
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